Mother Nature never ceases to amuse us. You can find so many surprising things that will make you wonder how great an artist she is. This section of illusions cover some of her artistic creations.

Illusions in nature offers you some unique illusions that appears in nature at some places and have been captured by people who were amazed at them. Our team has handpicked some of the amazing ones out of the lot and we decided to share these magnificent illusions with you all. If you have some of these illusions, do not forget to send us and we will definitely post it on our site if they are impressive.

Illusions in Nature #1 - Waterfall Crafting Mother Nature

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This is an amazing picture. The waterfall has crafted Mother Nature into the rocks. It feels like she is diving inside the sea along with the falling water. The entire face and hands joined above the head are visible clearly. Some of you might say that the image has been tweaked to define the shape. It can be possible as the source is unknown to us. But the illusion is impressive and can be purely a nature's art as well.

Illusions in Nature #2 - Tree in a Barren Land

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Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.

Illusions in Nature #3 - Lips Shaped Flower

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Now this one is really cute. We are sure that you must have seen innumerable kinds of flora in real life and on the internet. Some of them definitely amaze us with intriguing shapes. This illusion is one of the similar kinds. You can clearly see the shape of lips in this flower. We are not really sure how this flower looks from some other angle but from here, it looks absolutely magnificent. It's really amusing how nature has crafted this world with her art.

category : COOL

Illusions in Nature #4 - Female figure in a Tree

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There is nothing much to talk about this illusion but there is a lot to admire about this illusion. It might not look the same or so impactful from other angles and thus we must applause the artist for finding out the angle that can create this illusion and capturing the beauty through the lens so perfectly. One can also relate this figure with Mother Nature herself. After all, it is her work and she has crafted the tree with her artistic approach.

Illusions in Nature #5 - Skull Mountain

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Though the resolution of this image is pretty small, you can still find out the reason we have posted this in our illusion list. In the mountains far ahead, you can clearly see a shape that can be referred to as a skull. The hollow eyes are even creepy adding a whole new impression to the illusion. The third hole below the one we referred as eyes can be taken as the nose. This is absolutely impressive as from a distance this far, it do appears like a skull crafted on the mountains.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Illusions in Nature #6 - Dancing Tree Girl

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This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Illusions in Nature #7 - Thirsty Horse

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Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

Illusions in Nature #8 - Mother Nature Tree Illusion

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It is often astonishing how Mother Nature crafts using her skillful hands. We have shared a few tree illusions with you so far and this is not much different from them. You can clearly trace a female figure in this picture. The best thing is that the feminine curves are quite evident in this picture making it so much more impressive. The hands and the face are evident too from this angle. A job well done by the one who clicked the picture we must say.

Illusions in Nature #9 - Giant Cobra

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We now that it is a ripped tree trunk. Some calamity or manmade actions are responsible for the fate of this tree but if you concentrate on the shape and the ripped portion, you will agree with us that it does look like a giant cobra. To top that, it feels it is ready to grab the prey with the mouth wide open. The astonishing part is that you can even find the eye carved on the face region. Probably no one would have thought of it in this manner till the one who clicked it recognized and decided to share with the world.

Illusions in Nature #10 - Sinister Eye

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Now this is just a normal picture taken inside a forest. But through the excellent capture of lens, doesn't the picture appear to be ending in an eye formation? It is kind of creepy when you realize such a thing after you have clicked the picture. We don't know if it was intentional or done deliberately by the photographer after analyzing through naked eyes. But the final result is impressive anyhow.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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