#1 - Logical Deduction - Real Life Murder Or Suicide Puzzle

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Alexis jumped off the top of building a suicide attempt not knowing that a safety net is already there near the 8th floor. However, he was interrupted by a bullet shot at the back of head fired near the 10th story window. Alexis falls on the safety net but was dead at the instance.
Normally if a person intends to commit suicide and his actions cause his death, it is a suicide even if the death does not take place in the way the person expected.
But if it's not the bullet Alexis must have survived.

Later on, investigation police found out that an old man angrily fired at her wife in the 1oth floor flat. however, shot missed the wife and hit the Alexis.
Normally, when a person intends to kill one human being and by his action kills another human being accidental, the charge is murder.

Later on the investigation, it was found out that gun was always unloaded and the man is just threatening his wife Further investigation revealed that the shotgun had been loaded by the couple's adult son, who was angry at his mother for cutting off monetary support. The son was hoping one day his father accidentally killed his mother
Normally when a person plans something whose action kills another human being, the charge is murder.

Note: We have changed the name of the people involved.

Is this a murder or suicide and if murder who is guilty?

#2 - Hot Air Balloon Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Three thieves Danny Ocean, Rusty Ryan, and Frank Catton robbed a major casino in Chicago and they hide the loot somewhere safe. However, all of them get identified so they decided to run in a hot air balloon over a desert. Midway crossing the desert. the balloon begins to lose the attitude because of weight. After few days s Danny Ocean and Rusty Ryan got arrested in Africa while Frank Catton was found dead in the desert, totally naked and holding a half of a toothpick.

How did Frank Catton die?

#3 - Akbar Birbal - Eat Drink and Burn Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

To tease, King Akbar told his most clever advisor Birbal to give his daughter one thing that she can eat when hungry, drink if she feels thirsty and can burn if she feels cold. King Akbar was shocked when Birbal gave Akbar's daughter one such thing that satisfies all of the above.

What did Birbal give to Akbar's daughter?

#4 - James Bond - Mini Mystery Story Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

James Bond was relaxing in his hotel room in Lyon when he heard a knock at his door. Bond opened the door and see a beautiful woman whom he had never seen in his life. She said that she is so sorry and she thought that this was her room. She was about to leave the room when the Bond takes out his pistol and ask the girl to stop.

What made Bond suspicious of the girl?

category : MYSTERY | STORY

#5 - Great Escape Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

As illustrated in the image below, a boy is fighting for his life.
This is definitely the worst possible scenario for the boy as there are multiple life threats at the same time

Threat-1: If the boy moves toward the right a snake is ready to bite and put his life to end

Threat-2: A hungry Lion is roaring and waiting for the boy to drop and be his dinner.

Threat-3: The two crocodile in the river waiting for the chopped branch to break so that boy can fall in the water.

Choose an escape plan for the boy?

#6 - Sheldon Teases Leonard Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

To tease Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon cooper gave him 10$ and ask him to buy
- Something their friend Howard can eat.
- Something their neighbor penny can drink.
- Something their friend Raj's cow can eat.
- Something his girlfriend Amy can plant in her garden.
Also, he can buy only one thing.

Leonard buys something that silenced Sheldon. What did he buy?
category : LOGIC | STORY

#7 - Akbar Birbal Court Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man was brought to Akbar's court and he found the man guilt of a little offense. HE decided to punish the man and asked him to make a statement. If the statement is held true by Akbar, the man will be killed by hanging him to death and if the statement is held false, the man will be killed by giving poison.

The man was confused. He did not know what to say. Therefore, he looked at Birbal and asked for suggestion. Birbal thought for a while and decided to help him, as he had not committed a major offense. He told something in his ear and the man then said the statement to Akbar.

After hearing the statement, Akbar could not kill him. What was the statement?

#8 - Short Story Birbal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Once Akbar challenged Birbal. He asked Birbal to write a line on wall which when read in happy times makes you sad but when read in sad times makes you happy.

What would he have written to satisfy the conditions given by his king?

#9 - Awesome World War Story Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A women was telling the heroic tale of her late husband to her grandchildren.

'When the First World War was about to end, your grandpa was awarded for his extreme bravery and heroism. While on the war, an enemy threw a grenade at their troupe. But before it could explode, your grandpa picked it up and threw it back on the enemy battalion. For this, he was awarded a sword with the engraving - 'Awarded for portrayal of extreme bravery and valor in the World War I'.'

Upon hearing this, one of the grand child stood up and said, 'You are fooling us with false story.'

The story was indeed fake. But how did he come to know that it was not true?

#10 - How This Is Possible Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Donald lived in a rural are with his wife. On a certain night, his wife complained of severe pain. He hurriedly called the doctor and told him that his wife might be having appendicitis.

The doctor was surprised. This was because he had himself taken out his wife's appendix about three years ago.

When diagnosed, Donald's wife was came up with positive reports of appendicitis. Can you explain how that is possible?
category : STORY

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