Interview Process   |   Interview Puzzles / Aptitude
Microsoft Interview Puzzles have been brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. The basic motive behind this post is to make the students (preparing for the interview) aware of the structure of Interview Questions in Microsoft.

A Basic info about the company:
Microsoft Corporation is an American worldwide conglomerate headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that develops, fabricates, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its finest known software merchandises are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office suite and Internet Explorer web browser. Its leading hardware products are Xbox game console and the Microsoft Surface series of tablets. It is the world's prevalent software maker measured by returns. It is also one of the world's most appreciated companies.

The following Microsoft Interview Puzzles will help you brush up your skills and will make you more confident while giving the interview.

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Cheating Husbands Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

There is a town named Panem. The town is well built and have every facility available to the citizens. It comprises of 100 married couples. The husbands of the town are very loyal to their wives but that happens for a reason. There is a rule that is followed by the people of the town. If any wife finds out about her husband's infidelity, the husband is immediately executed.
No woman in the town talks about their own husband and all they do is gossip about others'. Thus every woman in the town is familiar with all the other unfaithful husbands but does not know about their own. This can also be explained as that the husbands remain glued lip about their own unfaithfulness.

One day, the mayor of the town announces to the people that there is at least one cheating husband in the town. What will happen now?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Prison Interview Puzzle

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Once in a prison with 100 prisoners, the Warden introduces a strange but interesting challenge to all the prisoners. This challenge can even grant them the freedom and thus every one of the prisoners becomes quite excited.

The warden selects one prisoner everyday randomly from the lot and moves him into a pitch black room with a bulb and a witch that controls the bulb. The prisoner can carry out three different actions in the room - He can switch on the bulb, switch it off or do nothing and sit idle. A prisoner can be picked up more than one time.

Now the warden introduces the twist in the challenge. He tells them that the prisoners can put a stop to the process any day they feel that every one of them has been confined to that room at least once. If the prisoners are correct, then every single one of them will be set free. But if they have put up a wrong judgment, all of them will be killed.

Seeking it to be the only chance of freedom, the prisoners take up the challenge. They are given some time to discuss regarding it before the process could begin. How will they plan things so that they are finally set free?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Equilateral Triangle Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There is an equilateral triangle and three bugs are sitting on the three corners of the triangle. Each of the bugs picks up a random direction and starts walking along the edge of the equilateral triangle. What is the probability that none of the bugs crash into each other?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Interesting Gold Bar Interiew Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are a king of an empire. You have a servant working in your palace. He works all the seven days and you only pay him in the form of gold bar. You must pay the worker for his work every day at the end of the day.

If you are only able to make two breaks in the gold bar, how will you pay the servant if the servant works for the equal time every day and thus equal amount must be paid at the end of the day?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Colliding Trains Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A train is moving from station A to station B at 15 mph. Another train is moving in the opposite direction from station B to A at a speed of 20mph. A vulture is flying from Station A to station B at 25 mph. When the vulture reaches at the train moving from Station B to A, it starts flying back and flies at the same speed till it reaches the train moving from station A to B and starts flying in the reverse direction again. The vulture keeps flying to and fro till both the trains collide with each other.

What is the total distance that is traveled by the vulture?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #6 - Box with Defective Balls Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Here is a situation. You have 10 boxes that contains balls with each of the ball weighing 10 grams precisely. Now among the boxes, one of the box comprises of defective balls with each defective ball weighing 9 grams. You have been provided with an electronic weighing machine but you are allowed to use it only once.

Can you find out which box contains defective balls?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #7 - Crossing Bridge Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The scenario comprises of a wobbly bridge and four people. It is the night time and the people have only one torch. Without torch one may risk his life in crossing the bridge. Also we have a condition; the bridge is not quite strong and can hold only two persons together at one. The four people take different time to cross the bridge - 1 min, 2 min, 7 min and 10 min.

Since the torch is a necessity and the bride can't hold more than two persons at a time, two persons must travel at a time out of which one must return with the torch so they don't risk their life crossing in the dark.

What is the shortest time that will be required for all of them to cross the bridge?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #8 - Measure the Water Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

You have infinite supply of water. You also have 5 quart and 3 quart buckets. What is the least number of steps you will require to measure precisely 4 quarts?

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #9 - 2 Eggs Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

We have an egg problem again. There is a 36 story building for which you have complete access. You have two eggs and you must follow the below facts:

An egg that does not breaks on falling can be re used.

1) A broken egg will be discarded immediately

2) All the eggs will experience the same effect of the fall as all the eggs are identical.

3) Suppose if an egg breaks on falling from first floor, it will definitely break from all the floors above the first floor.

4) If an egg does not breaks from falling from the thirty sixth floor, it will not break from all the floor below it as well.

5) All you have to do is find out the minimum drops with which you can determine the floor which is safe to drop eggs from.

Microsoft Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #10 - Walking on Globe Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If you walk one mile south, then one mile east and then one mile north, you reach the place where you started. In such a scenario, how many points are there on the globe to make it happen?

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