Funny Puzzles and Riddles is a unique and exclusive section of GPuzzles.Com. Why not have a laugh while reading and solving the puzzles? Why not solve the puzzles for entirely fun? In this section of Funny Puzzles and Riddles, you will mostly find those puzzles which can be used to ask from your friends and have a good laugh together when you reveal the answers to them. When we can have poor jokes to entertain us, why not some poor puzzles too.

#1 - Cow Entertainment Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Where does the cow go for entertainment?

category : HUMOUR

#2 - A coffee Thief Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What is the term for a person who steals coffee?

category : HUMOUR

#3 - Steals Tea Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What do you call the person who steals tea ?

category : HUMOUR

#4 - Funny Coffee Police Report Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did the coffee file a police report?

category : HUMOUR

#5 - What is in her eye Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Steffi walks out of her house and over to her beautiful rose garden. She holds out her left hand, and a bee lands in it.

What is in her eye?

category : HUMOUR

#6 - Cricket Ball Therapy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did the cricket ball go to therapy?

category : HUMOUR

#7 - Funny Cow Drinking Milk Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Repeat "silk" six times.
Now spell "silk".

What do cows drink?

category : HUMOUR

#8 - Escape Room Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Michael Scofield is sentenced and sent to prison. He was stuck in a metal room with a metal door that was locked.

There were no windows and nothing in the room but a piano.

How can Michael Scofield escape?

category : HUMOUR | TRICK

#9 - Fastest way to double your money riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What is the fastest way to double your money?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#10 - Who Is Youngest Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a bus, there is a 26-year-old pregnant lady.
A 30-year-old policeman.
A 52-year-old random woman.
And the 65-year-old driver.

Who is the youngest?

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