Paradox Illusions are basically those illusions which contradicts themselves from whatever they conclude. Confused? In these illusions, you will find paradoxical objects that cannot exist in real life or in three dimensions. However, when you see them, they will appear just fine to your eyes.

There is a cognitive misunderstanding theory that defines these illusions. According to it, the edges that are adjacent must always join. You will find these illusions playing right with the fact. To understand these illusion better, you must just scroll down and have a look at them yourself. If you like them, do not forget to bookmark us and do share among your friends.

Paradox Optical Illusions #1 - Same Levelled Balls

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If you just concentrate on the two balls, you will feel that they are exactly at the same levels. But if you look at the extreme right, you will find staircase like levels But if the formation is attaining a height, then why it not evident at the ends. Do the steps actually happen to be there or they are just an illusion created by a 3d art? The truth is that such a figure cannot exist in the real world. It happens to give us two information that contradict with each other and thus it can't exist in the real world.

Paradox Optical Illusions #2 - Impossible Shelf

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We do agree that at the first look, you might feel that there is nothing wrong with this figure. However, if you take a closer look, you will recognize the problem. See the bridge joining and you will agree to the fact that no matter how normal it appears, it certainly cannot exist in the real world. We call such illusions as paradox illusions. The plank that is connecting both ends is simply not feasible in reality. Look closely and you will find other contradicting things as well.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #3 - Paradox Staircase

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This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #4 - Impossible pair of Prong

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This image is pretty self-explanatory. At the very first look, you can determine that this is really impossible to be crafted out in real world. But the surprising thing is how believable this figure looks. This is probably one of the simplest example of paradox illusion you will come across. It has been formed just by using some straight lines and still it conveys the true nature of paradox excellently.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #5 - Impossible Fence

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Now this is an impressive model of a fence. We are sure you can recognize the paradox here. The two vertical blocks can never be connected by the horizontal blocks in such a manner in real world. But someone has manipulated (or created) this image in an image editing software. From the look of it, it feels somebody has created a 3d model in a 3d software but those software work in real environment. It is difficult to find out how the artist did it but he has done a real good job for sure.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #6 - Impossible Cube Paradox

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You must have figured out what has gone wrong in this picture the moment you looked at it right? It has been manipulated to form a paradox. If you try to create any real life hollow cube like this, the edges will never overlap like this. It can only be done virtually however by no means it is possible in real world. That is the motto of paradox illusions and we really think that this image serves the purpose well.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #7 - Impossible Swimming Pool

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This is a really fascinating paradox art. Hats off to the artist as it looks extremely real to the naked eyes. The shadows and lighting is just perfect and adds so much more depth to this illusion. You can see a man climbing for the diving board and you can also see his distant shadow on floor. But the board he is climbing for connects to the surface only. How can this be possible? Well it can't be (in real life) but it looks so believable in the picture. This is really one of the best paradox illusions we have ever come across so far.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Paradox Optical Illusions #8 - Paradoxical Formation

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Although it is a virtually created image, we guess that it serves the purpose of paradox illusions quite well and is also a bit unique in its own manner (although projects the same you have seen so many times). The figure appears to be three dimensional. But to be that stretched, it must not begin and end at the same levels. However clearly in the image, both the beginning and end of the pattern is on the same surface. Is it just us or do you also believe that the sky background behind it is adding so much depth to the final illusion effect?

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #9 - Popular Paradox Triangle

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You might be a newbie to the world of paradox illusions but we are umpteenth time sure that you must have seen this particular image so many times (of course the colors and size can differ from this). This is because it is the popular most paradox illusion on the web. The reason is the simplicity of the illusion. At first look, this might look alright but on the second glance you will find that the edges are not meeting in a feasible manner. It can stand perfectly on any virtual medium but it won't exist in real world.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Paradox Optical Illusions #10 - Staircase that can't Exists

Difficulty Popularity

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

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