Physiological Illusions are those illusions that stimulate the brain in excess with the help of a particular type of stimulation. This stimulation can be caused due to color, contrast, motion etc. Often, the after image illusions are categorized under this category. This is because even they are created by the stimulation of vision through a specific path of movement or other factors that we have mentioned.

You will often be left dumbfounded at how easily these illusions steer into our mind, evokes the stimulation and then forces our minds to render something that is not real. We have collected a few Physiological Illusions for you. Do share if you like them and don't forget to bookmark us.

Physiological Optical Illusions #1 - Converging Checkers

Difficulty Popularity

This is one of the simple physiological illusions. You can clearly see the checkers converging just right of the middle. Probably you can also feel like the two different planes are rolling down at that point. However, that is not true and this is only what you are perceiving. The reason behind this is the difference in the width of the checkers that is decreasing as they reach that point. It makes us think like they are ultimately falling down or rolling down at that point.

Physiological Optical Illusions #2 - Blurred Dotted Circle

Difficulty Popularity

This illusion can also be categorized under non animated moving illusions and trippy illusions. So, we would humbly ask you to stop staring for long if you are not comfortable with trippy illusions. The illusion is simple and you don't need words to explain it. If you just look at the circle in the middle that has been blurred and try to move your eyes, you will find that the circle is moving or probably the dots inside the circle are moving. Once there, you won't be able to make it stop. Just try it out and tell us.

category : TRIPPY

Physiological Optical Illusions #3 - 3D Paint on Truck

Difficulty Popularity

Now this one amazing physiological illusion. There is no doubt that you can feel that it is carrying a giant bottle on its back. But what exactly is happening here is that the truck has been painted. It is amazing how these 3d artists continue to amaze us with their innovative skills. But it looks so real that you won't be able to find out how he did it. Of course both sides and back are painted. Perspective has been put into the art which is a key factor in the final image that you are perceiving.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Physiological Optical Illusions #4 - Spiraling Dots

Difficulty Popularity

Before you move forward to look at the illusion with concentration, we would like to warn you that it can also be categorized under trippy illusions, so proceed with caution if you are prone to nausea while concentrating at such images for long. Now, if you see this image, you can find the dots spiraling down towards the center. So what is responsible for this illusion? If you look closely, the dots are drawn in a spiral form. The size is decreasing as you go down. Also, contrasted shades has been used. Together they combine to give the final result that you are perceiving in the image.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Physiological Optical Illusions #5 - Grey Rectangle

Difficulty Popularity

In this illusion, you can see a distinct rectangle in the center and you can see a gradient of grey as the background. You can't deny the fact that you can see a gradient even in the center rectangle which is going from the lighter shade to the dark shade from left to right. But will you do one thing? Take this image and go to any image editing software. Now sample the different regions of that rectangle. You will be shocked to find out that the grey rectangle in the center does not comprise of any gradient and is rather a same shade throughout. So why does it appear so? This is because of the gradient in the background which makes us perceive what we are.

category : TRICKY

Physiological Optical Illusions #6 - Length of Lines

Difficulty Popularity

Here, you can see three different lines in the picture. What makes these three lines different from each other is the arrows at the end. But does the length of line differs as well? Of course it looks like it differs. So let us tell you what to do. Take a ruler and literally measure these lines on your screen. You will be surprised to find out that the lines are of exact same size. So why does they appear of different sizes? This is due to the arrow signs at the end. These signs make it appear like the lengths are different.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Physiological Optical Illusions #7 - White Arrows

Difficulty Popularity

In this illusion, you will know how our mind process the missing information and conclude the results. Can you find white arrows in the picture? We are sure you can. But are they really there? Concentrate on the black portion now. That is the actual figure that has been drawn here. However, the blank space is giving you and illusion that the white arrows are there even though they are not present. Probably if the missing pattern was not creating a familiar shape, you would not have felt the same effect.

category : TRICKY

Physiological Optical Illusions #8 - Dead Horse

Difficulty Popularity

This illusion can be fairly categorized better under the outdoor illusions. What we have here is a rock that appears to be the head of a horse. Thus it appears as if a dead horse is been lying on the coast. It is often remarkable how the Mother Nature astonishes us with her creativity. However it is true that if you take a look at this rock from some other angle of view, you will not be able to perceive the same image. These illusions work from a specific camera view only.

Physiological Optical Illusions #9 - Leaning Tower of Pisa

Difficulty Popularity

You all must be familiar with the Leaning Tower of Pisa right. Today, we bring you an illusion based on the same. Two pictures of the tower have been placed side by side. Now you have to decide which one is leaning towards the right more. If you said that it is the right one, then you are in for a surprise. This is because if you try to measure the tilt, you will find that both of them are equally leaned. But still, the right one appears to be more tilted. This is because of a slightly different camera angle in the second image that makes it appear like it is more tilted.

category : TRICKY

Physiological Optical Illusions #10 - Imaginary Tunnel

Difficulty Popularity

Today, we have brought you an illusion that will take y our breath away. This illusion can explain the true nature of physiological illusions accurately. If you look at the image below (which might appear to be a bit trippy), you will find that a tunnel or a hall with pillars has been formed using black and white colored stripes. But what if we tell you that they are just plain 2d colors which have been used in a particular pattern or manner that it gives you an illusion that you are looking at a tunnel or hall. This is exactly how two plain colors can play with our mind by simulating information that is not correct at all.

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