Optical Illusion : Premonition Movie Poster

This Sandra Bullock starrer horror movie was quite average in terms of the scare factor but the poster indeed is quite creative. Although you must have seen similar illusions in our site or on the web. But still, not all artists are able to come up with the inspiration in such a great manner. Of course the picture is edited but that does not snatch away the beauty of the illusion created here. After all who expects a movie poster to be a real image without any touch ups or editing. Coming to the illusion, we are sure you can trace a face, probably a female face in the poster that has been made using the branches of the trees and birds.


Optical Illusion : Pink Color Test

There are two blocks of pink colors. Are they the same shade?

Optical Illusion : Magical Flying Carpet

What! That carpet is flying for real? You must have been shocked at the first look. Seems like this picture has been taken from one of those street magic shows. But when you will find the reason behind this illusion, you will be amazed at the creativity of the photographer. Can you find a blue flag in the picture? The shadow which appears to be made by the carpet is actually the shadow cast by that flag. Isn't it amazing?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Skateboarding Car

You might have seen many people skateboarding and even perform stunts on the board. But have you ever found any car skateboarding? This is exactly what this illusion tries to show us. So is it a toy car? What if we say no? The truth is that it indeed is not a toy car. But then how is it standing over the skateboard? The reason here is the placement of both skateboard and the car. The skateboard is right in the front of the camera while the car is standing far ahead. This is the reason why it appears so small. And yes, the camera angle plays an important role too.

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Classic Skull Art

Now this art looks straight out from the vintage times. The picture portrays a woman looking at her own reflection in a hand mirror while sitting in a room. Of course there are a lot of other objects and we leave them to be explored by you all. But we would like to emphasize here on the illusion that has been created magnificently by the artist. Can you spot a skull in this image? Just try to place the head of the woman and the mirror as the eyes of the skull and the chair armrest as the teeth. You found it right? Hats off to the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : White Arrows

In this illusion, you will know how our mind process the missing information and conclude the results. Can you find white arrows in the picture? We are sure you can. But are they really there? Concentrate on the black portion now. That is the actual figure that has been drawn here. However, the blank space is giving you and illusion that the white arrows are there even though they are not present. Probably if the missing pattern was not creating a familiar shape, you would not have felt the same effect.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Tree in a Barren Land

Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.

Optical Illusion : Wiping Man's Nose

Now this is one of the hilarious ones. Excellent timing we must say. It appears like the man who is wiping the poster clean is actually wiping his nose or scratching it. The expressions of the man in the picture makes it look so much realistic. It appears as if he is being irritate by the man who is wiping as he is picking on his nose. Of course, he is just cleaning the poster and he does not even know that he is being clicked at this particular moment. But we are sure he will have a good laugh after someone shows him this picture.

Optical Illusion : Dirty Tall Weeds

It is another of those illusions that will leave you laughing at your own imagination. We need not say what thought crept up your mind the moment you saw this picture. However, when somebody tells you that you are actually looking at a picture that comprises of a few tall weeds, you will not be able to help but smile or laugh. Well, the credit goes to the imagination and creatively dirty mind of the photographer as well (or the Photoshop artist). We often wonder where they get such ideas from.

Optical Illusion : Spray Painting Clouds

It is an interesting illusion right? It appears that somebody is actually spray painting the clouds in the blue sky. They seem to be appearing from the tiny nozzle of the spray and spreading into the sky. Well, this is an easy to do thing. You just need a spray bottle and you need to click it with the right alignment to the clouds. Although, we do think that someone used a bit of photoshop to make the cloud lining thin near the nozzle or had a great luck to find them naturally like that. Certainly you can try it sometime?

category : ANAMORPHIC

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