Optical Illusion : Beautiful Girl 3D Sketch

This is absolutely stunning. How can someone create such a graceful woman sketch with a three dimensional effect. Except probably the facial expressions that appear to be a little hard, the rest of the posture, the arms and the dress simply looks so beautiful, so elegant and so graceful. Guess we used three adjectives defining the same meaning. Probably we were too charmed by the output that the artist has managed to produce in this three dimensional sketch.

category : ART | 3D


Optical Illusion : Popular Waving Beans

In this illusion, you can find the beans waving like the sea waves. The color combination is a key to the overall effect. It gives the underlying effect of the ocean over which the beans are waving.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Public Staircase Art

At first look it may come across your mind that someone has photoshopped the picture to make a fake illusion. But what if we tell you that this picture has been taken at the Bayview subway station in Toronto and it is a real life public illusion art? The art is certainly stunningly impressive. We all can see a staircase that goes from the floor to the middle of the wall. However what we perceive as a 3D object is merely a 2D drawing over the wall and floor to make an illusion. The artist is definitely great.

Optical Illusion : Same Sized Cars

With your first glance at the picture, the first thing that you will perceive is that the cars are of different sizes. But surprisingly, they are of same size. Shocked right? This is purely the play of camera angle and perspective. Just to be sure, you can go check this yourself. Of course, the cars need not to be the same model but almost same in size. Go behind them and see yourself from this particular angle and you will start believing in us more than you do now.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Boat Rowers on Eyelash

This is one of the most unique body paint illusion that we have ever come across. The sheer creativity makes it worth all the praise. Using just two colors and placing the art at a perfect place, the artist has done a commendable job undoubtedly. So fashion divas, what are you waiting for? Probably this illusion can bring upon a new trend. But this is just one of the example. We are wondering about so many other possibilities as well.

Optical Illusion : Enlarged Letter

We have another illusion today to astonish you. You can see two pictures below this post. Now prepare yourself for the amusement that will strike you after this afterimage illusion. Check the B image first. You have to stare at the cross between the two circles. Stare them for about thirty seconds. Now immediately look at the above image at the cross between two same sized a's. You will feel that the left letter is bigger than the right one. If you were not able to achieve the illusion, try again and this time stare for a minute.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Paradox Staircase

This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Falling people 3D Art

We all have seen so many 3d arts and everytime you browse through internet, you definitely find so many new ones. Artists all over the world have been creating this amazing 3d arts which looks so much believable that you will be left amazed. This post includes a similar illusion that will leave you breathless. Those two guys in the picture seems to be falling to the depths of the earth. But the truth is that it is just a 3d art. The perspective, the angles, the guys pretending to be falling adds up to make it so realistic that you won't believe your eyes. The only giveaway is the people standing on that hollow surface telling us that it is just and art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : The Happy Family

Everything you see in the picture is a part of the painting. The father is sitting in muse with an exceptionally large map in his hand. Now the happy children are running inside this room and one two of them have jumped onto the map. A girl is about to. The large map actually metaphorically explains a large world of fantasy for the kids. It appears they are heading into their fantasy world. The open armed gesture on the nearest kid further strengthens the thought. The illusion has several layers of metaphorical explanations. See if you can get anything else out of it.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Ice Cream Cloud

This has to be a creative take on the cloud illusions. It appears to be that someone is eating an ice cream cone inside which the clouds are making up for the ice cream portion. How to achieve it? Whenever you find a similar cloud, hold an ice cream cone close to the camera and position accordingly before clicking the picture. Of course, one has to give credit to this creativity. It is easy to imitate things but difficult to think of them originally.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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