Funny Puzzles and Riddles is a unique and exclusive section of GPuzzles.Com. Why not have a laugh while reading and solving the puzzles? Why not solve the puzzles for entirely fun? In this section of Funny Puzzles and Riddles, you will mostly find those puzzles which can be used to ask from your friends and have a good laugh together when you reveal the answers to them. When we can have poor jokes to entertain us, why not some poor puzzles too.

#121 - Funny Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What does this funny rebus riddle means ?

#122 - Funny Small Riddle Series

Difficulty Popularity

You need to complete the series of riddles which are stated as :

1. You have a task to put a dinosaur in your cupboard ?
2. You have a task to put a tiger in your cupboard
3. Lion, the jungle king invites all the animals to his 22nd birthday party. Everyone single animal comes except for one animal, which one ?
4. There is small lake having deadly crocodile , you cannot go over it, you cannot go under it and you cannot go around it, how do you get across ?

#123 - Funny Rebus Problem

Difficulty Popularity

What Does this funny rebus represents ?

5Q + 5Q
category : HUMOUR | REBUS

#124 - Humor Question

Difficulty Popularity

Two things we cannot have in dinner.

what are they ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#125 - New Year Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did Manoj singh put his new January calendar in the freezer
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#126 - Algebra Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Take number 1000 and then add 20 to it.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 30.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 40.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 10.

What is the total?

#127 - Very Short Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why measuring fish is so easy ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#128 - Its a Tricky Logic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

1 = 6
2 = 12
3 = 18
4 = 24
5 = 30

Then 6 = ?

Hint: Its a logic Riddle not a mathematical riddle

#129 - Old Mind Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ankit is the son of Amit.
Amit is the_____of Ankit's father ?

#130 - NonSense Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What is the center of gravity ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

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