Funny Puzzles and Riddles is a unique and exclusive section of GPuzzles.Com. Why not have a laugh while reading and solving the puzzles? Why not solve the puzzles for entirely fun? In this section of Funny Puzzles and Riddles, you will mostly find those puzzles which can be used to ask from your friends and have a good laugh together when you reveal the answers to them. When we can have poor jokes to entertain us, why not some poor puzzles too.

#131 - Comic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What kind of storm is always in a rush ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#132 - One Line Fun Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What can you serve, but never eat?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#133 - Funny Nonsense Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why do people go to bed ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#134 - Fun Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What Word is represented by this rebus ?

#135 - Complicated Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Triplets(Neha , Bandini & shivani) were born in August but their birthday is in December.
how come ?
category : HUMOUR | TRICK

#136 - Small Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did the school girl eat her homework ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#137 - Trick Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

According to famous saying "Two's company, and three's a crowd "

then whats four and five ?

#138 - Stupid Puzzle To Ask

Difficulty Popularity

Which country gets ill every time ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#139 - One Line Comic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What did baby corn say to his Mom?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#140 - Cool Fun Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did Bryan Adams keep his trumpet in the refrigerator ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

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