Mystery Riddles is possibly the most famous genre of riddles. Who doesn't like to solve a mystery? After all, that is what riddles are meant for - solving the mysteries glorified through a few lines. The following section of Mystery Riddles has been framed by GPuzzles.Com to satisfy all the craving minds.

#41 - Find the Murderer Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Role Action
Block Prevents the target player from acting
Redirect Change target player's target.
Save Protects the target player from death.
Seer Sees all actions that occurred
Murderer Kills the target player

Following five players are playing:

As the Seer Christopher you saw the following happenings:
1) Danny was redirected to Garry.
2) Garry was blocked.
3) Harry was killed.

Can you tell who the murderer is?
category : MYSTERY

#42 - Out Of Box Thinking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

n a hotel, a man was sleeping when he heard a knock on the door. He shifted the blanket and stepped down from the bed. He waked to the door and opened it to find a stranger standing outside.
Upon opening the gate, that stranger said, "Pardon me, I must have made a mistake. I thought this was my room."
The stranger then walked the corridor and climbed down the stairs. The man closed the door and immediately called the security. He asked them to arrest that stranger immediately.
Why did he asked them to arrest that stranger? What made him suspicious?

#43 - Short Story Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A Japanese ship was making its way through the Arabian Sea. The captain felt like taking a bath and thus went to the bathroom after removing his Rolex watch and gold bracelet. When he returned back from the bathroom, he found out that his valuables were missing.

He suspected five of his crew members. He called them in and asked all of them what they were doing for the last 15 minutes. They replied as follows:parachute
The French cook (with a butcher knife): I was in fridge room getting meat for cooking.
The German Engineer (with some tools in hand): I was working on the generator engine.
The Bangladeshi seaman (empty handed): I was on the mast correcting the flag which was upside down by mistake.
The American Radio officer (with his headphones in hand): I was messaging to company that we will reach the port in the next two days that is Friday morning at 1100 hrs.
The Indian navigation officer (empty handed): I was taking a nap before my night watch began.

Upon hearing all of them, the captain found out who was the thief. How did he know that? Who is the thief?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#44 - Life Saving Package Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A woman is approaching a green land with no trees in vicinity. Now, she has a package with her which must be opened before reaching the green land. If somehow, she fails, she will die.

What is there in the package that must be opened?
category : MYSTERY

#45 - Police Investigating Murder Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A couple went to river rafting on a hill station. Two days after their departure, the husband returned alone. He informed the police that her wife was swept away by the waves and died.

On the next day, police arrived to his doorstep and when he opened the door, they arrested him for murdering his wife. They told him that his travel agent had called them.

He was shocked. How did the travel agent know about the murder? Can you suggest how did he know ?

#46 - Riddle About Death

Difficulty Popularity

A guy was standing near a window. He threw something out of the window and died soon enough. He was perfectly healthy and he did not get murdered by someone.

Can you find a logical explanation to what might have happened here?

How did he die?

category : MYSTERY

#47 - Murder Or Suicide Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

On a homicide case, the police is unable to find anything. However, they have five suspects who could have killed the person – Samoa, Richard, Neil, Jenifer and Sia.

Suddenly, an officer notices that there is something written on the calendar. He finds out that they are numbers – 9, 4, 5, 10, 8. He smiles, as he know who the killer is. Do you ?

category : MYSTERY

#48 - Murder Mystery Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A homicide detective is called upon a crime scene. He finds that a body is lying on the ground in front of a multistory building. By all the means, it looks like a simple suicide case. But there are doubts in his mind.

He goes to the first floor and moves into the room facing the direction of the body. He opens the window in that direction and looks down towards his team. The he goes to the second floor and again moves into the room facing that direction, opens the window and looks down at his team.

He continues with the same process till the top floor. After that, he returns back to where his team is standing. He tells them that it is a suicide.

How did he come to such a conclusion?

#49 - Best Thinking Brain Teaser Ever

Difficulty Popularity

Three men are living in a desert namely – Alex, Brian and Chris.

Alex hates Chris and thus he decides to kill him. To succeed in his evil intentions, he poison the water supply of Chris. Since they are living in desert, he will have to drink water or he will die of thirst.

Brian is not aware of the actions of Alex and he plans to kill Chris as well. To do this, he killed the water supply of Chris.

Chris dies due to his thirst. Who killed him?

#50 - Secret Code Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are giving an intelligence test. In that, you are provided by the code - MOD OAT AIM DUE TIE

You know that only one word from this code is true and the rest ones are only put in to make the task difficult for you. To understand, you are provided with a clue – If you are told any one of the characters of the code word, you can find out the word easily.

Can you deduce the actual code word from the entire code?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

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