Mystery Riddles is possibly the most famous genre of riddles. Who doesn't like to solve a mystery? After all, that is what riddles are meant for - solving the mysteries glorified through a few lines. The following section of Mystery Riddles has been framed by GPuzzles.Com to satisfy all the craving minds.

#31 - Suicide Or Murdered - Crime Scene Home Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Based on the clues in the picture, Can you identify if it's a murder or suicide?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

#32 - Who Is The Kidnapper Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Look carefully at the picture below and can you identify who is the Kidnapper?

#33 - Crime Scene Riddle - Murder Or Suicide

Difficulty Popularity

Lets put your detective cap on and look at the picture very carefully and find out if it's a murder or suicide?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

#34 - Who Is The Killer Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the picture below, A woman is found dead in the ladies bathroom.
Can you find the killer?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

#35 - James Bond - Mini Mystery Story Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

James Bond was relaxing in his hotel room in Lyon when he heard a knock at his door. Bond opened the door and see a beautiful woman whom he had never seen in his life. She said that she is so sorry and she thought that this was her room. She was about to leave the room when the Bond takes out his pistol and ask the girl to stop.

What made Bond suspicious of the girl?

category : MYSTERY | STORY

#36 - Sherlock Holmes Anne Cipher Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Anne was found dead in the central park of London.
There are six suspects "hazard", "Costa", "Pedro", "Willian", "Terry" and "courtois".

Anne has written the murdered name in cipher on the floor as "dqvxf".

Police were unable to solve the mystery so they called Sherlock.
After a minute, Sherlock was able to decipher the cipher and ask the police to capture the murderer.

Who is the murderer?

category : MYSTERY

#37 - Inspector Montalbano Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Before going to work, Inspector Montalbano got into the fight with his wife. After coming back from the work he found out that the police was in the home and his wife had just killed a burglar.
The police told that she killed the burglar in self-defense. She told her husband the story that she heard a doorbell and thought that it was me and as soon as she opened the door, the burglar jumped into her and she was so scared that she killed burglar immediately with the knife. Inspector Montalbano asked the police to arrest her wife for murder conspiracy. Why?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#38 - Find KIller From Calendar Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a friend's get together party on New Year's Eve, a power cut takes place unexpectedly. When the lights go live again, it is found that Joseph, one of the friends has been stabbed to death. Since no one else had the access to the party, the killer is one of the friends only.

Police are called and they search the surroundings for any evidence, but can't find any. Upon checking the pockets of Joseph's pants, they find a pocket calendar and they find out that it has been marked and can also find some numbers written on it.

You can see the calendar attached with this question.

You don't know the name of the friends who were there at the party. Can you still decipher the name of the killer through the picture?

category : MYSTERY

#39 - Murder Suspect Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It was the first day of the college when a young girl was found dead on the college premises. The police narrowed down four suspects.
1. The Dean: He claims he was in his office whole day.
2. Maths Teacher: She claims that she was giving her students grades.
3. Peon: He claims that he was bringing the mails.
4. Mathew: He claims he was cleaning the roof of the college.

Who was the murderer?
category : MYSTERY

#40 - Hercule Poirot Murder Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Hercule Poirot was called to investigate a murder case where the killer seemed enthusiastic about leaving the clues behind probably because he was intrigued by the intelligence and crime solving skills of Hercule Poirot.

Loraine was murdered in her house. She was stabbed to death. There were five people present in her house at the time of the murder - Christopher, Marcus, Stella, Mindy and Sophia.

The murderer left a note on six different places: Compound, Art Room, Restroom, Underwater Room, Study Room and Movie Room with a single line text in each one of them - "The clues are where you find the notes."

While there was nothing found at the places where the note was left, Hercule Poirot was able to find the murderer.

Can you decipher the clues and find out who the murderer is?
category : MYSTERY

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