This is an intermediate level of math problems for those who have mastered the art of solving easy difficulty levels. You must first get your hands on these Medium Math Problems before jumping to the hard level. A steady advancement always brings fruitful results and thus you shall not hurry. These Medium Math Problems will increase the level of difficulty optimally for you and after solving them, you can move to the higher difficulty levels.

#1 - Tricky Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Hockey Stick and ball cost $50. If the Stick cost $49 more than the ball.

what is the cost of each ?

#2 - Mathematics Puzzle : Catch The Train

Difficulty Popularity

Tarun Asthnaiya go to his office by local train. However nearby train station is quite far from his place and he used to drive his bike to train station daily with an average speed of 60km/hr. One day at halfway point he relized that due to heavy traffic he got late having average speed of just 30km/hr.How fast he must drive for the rest of the way to catch my local train ?
category : TRICK | MATHS

#3 - Maths Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

The digits 0-9(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) can be rearranged into 3628800 distinct 10 digits numbers.

How many of these numbers are prime ?

#4 - Professor Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A professor thinks of two consecutive numbers between 1 and 10.
'A' knows the 1st number and 'B' knows the second number

A: I do not know your number.
B: Neither do I know your number.
A: Now I know.

There are four solution for this.What are they ?
category : MATHS

#5 - Logical Bank Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A bank customer had Rs.100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals, totaling Rs.. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:

Withdrawals Balance left
Rs.50 Rs.50
Rs.25 Rs.25
Rs.10 Rs.15
Rs.8 Rs.7
Rs.5 Rs.2
Rs.2 Rs.0
Rs.100 Rs.99

Why are the Totals not exactly right ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#6 - Guess Game Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a guess game , five friends had to guess the exact numbers of balls in a box.
Friends guessed as 31 , 35, 39 , 49 , 37, but none of guess was right.The guesses were off by 1, 9, 5, 3, and 9 (in a random order).
Can you determine the number of balls in a box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#7 - Maths Algebra Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are two ways by using three time the same number with an plus(+) operator , you can make sum as 60.
Whats the other they ?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#8 - Smallest Number Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the smallest non fractional number such that

If the number gets divided by 3 , we get the remainder of 1;
If the number gets divided by 4 , we get the remainder of 2
If the number gets divided by 5 , we get the remainder of 3;
If the number gets divided by 6 , we get the remainder of 4.
category : MATHS

#9 - Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Three alcoholic adults takilu whisku and Rumu got some liquor.
takilu gave whisku and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Then whisku gave takilu and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Finally Rumu gave whisku and takilu as many liquor as they already had.

Now each of them have 24 liquor.

How many liquor they had originally ?
category : MATHS

#10 - New Year Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man drive his car to the office at 20miles/hr.
After reaching office, he realize that its a new year holiday so he went back home at a speed of 30miles/hr.

Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

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