#281 - Count Teacher Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A Teacher has written all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on the black board.

How many times she had written the number 3 ?
category : LOGIC

#282 - Mug Of Coke Maths Probelm

Difficulty Popularity

There is a Mug with no cover and some coke in it.

Ribery said 'This Mug of coke is more than half full,
Lahm Replied 'No it's not,It's less than half full.'.

Without any measuring implements and without removing any coke from the Mug, how can they easily determine who is correct?
category : LOGIC | TRIVIA

#283 - Playing Card Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In two decks of cards, what is the least amount of cards you must take to be *guaranteed* at least one four-of-a-kind ?
category : LOGIC | TRIVIA

#284 - Tricky Time Measure Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and each string is different.

How do you measure 45 minutes?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#285 - Doors Statement Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Using his powers he determine that spirit is in one of the four doors

The inscriptions on each door read as follows:

Door 1 : It's behind 2 or 3
Door 2 : It's behind 1 or 4
Door 3 : It's in here
Door 4 : It's not in here

using your power you came to know only on of the inscriptions is correct.
Behind which door will you find the spirit?

#286 - Male Or Female Mind Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a strange town named "pagalpur"
Here just by looking you cannot determine whether the person is a male or a female.
But you know male always tells the truth and female always lies.

You meet two people "A and B", they told you as :
A: B is a lying female. I am man.
B: A is telling the truth.

Question: Which is A (male or female) ?
category : LOGIC

#287 - Iron block Trick Weighing Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Three-quarters of an iron block when weighed on the scales with three-quarters of a pound and three-quarters of an iron block balances evenly.

What according to you is the weight of the iron block on whole?
category : LOGIC

#288 - Married Unmarried Looking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Pulkit is looking at Shaina, but Shaina is looking at Sooraj. Pulkit is married, but Sooraj is not.

Can you tell if a married person is looking at an unmarried person or not?
category : LOGIC

#289 - Mathematics Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a urban village of india named "owlna" , 70% people have refrigerator , 75% people have television , 80% people got computers and 80% got Air-conditionor. how many people(minimum) got all these luxury.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#290 - Professor Frink Trick Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Professor Frink(name of a person) is convicted in Germany. He gets the death penalty. The judge allows him to say a last sentence in order to determine the way the penalty will be carried out. If he lies, he will be hanged, if he speaks the truth he will be beheaded. Professor Frink speaks the last sentence and to everybody surprise some minutes later he is set free because the judge cannot determine his penalty.

What did said?

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