Clock Riddles are one of most entertaining riddles of all. Trick clock puzzles are often asking in interviews to judge the logic of the candidate. I personally feel the clock brain teasers as fun.The following section has been framed by GPuzzles.Com that revolve around the clock.

#1 - IES Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day ?

category : TRIVIA

#2 - The Best Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

Peeta asks Katniss, 'It is 9 pm as per my watch right now.Do you know what will be the time 23, 999, 997 hours later?'

Katniss knows the answer. Do you ?
category : TRICK

#3 - Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The needles of a clock overlaps at 12:00 in a 12 hour format clock.

When will the two needles overlap again ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

#4 - Clock Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the clock is odd one out ?

#5 - What Is The Time Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Yesterday I noticed that in my clock, there is a time when the hour needle and the minute needle are exactly between 1 and 2.
Also, both the needles lie on top of each other.

What time I and talking about?

category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#6 - Awesome Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Time 12:21 is a palindrome as it reads the same forwards or backwards.
Whats the Whats the shortest interval between two palindromic times ?

example => 11:11 and 12:21 has interval of 1 hr 10 minutes.
category : LOGIC

#7 - Clock Series Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

based on previous watches, what time should the last watch show ?

#8 - Hard Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two observations were made of a clock at different time:
1st observation:
The hour hand is exactly at a minute mark and the minute hand is six minutes ahead of it.

2nd observation:
The hour hand is exactly on a dissimilar minute mark and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it.

Can you find out how much time has passed between the above two observations?

#9 - Clock Observation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A clock is observed by someone.
The hour hand is exactly at a minute mark, and the minute hand is six minutes ahead of it in the first glance.

When the clock is looked at again, the hour hand is exactly on a different minute mark, and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it this time.

Can you find out the time that has elapsed between the first and the second observation?

#10 - Tough Logic Program Watch Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, you can find a LCD device. The device is a simple level indicator which has to be converted into a watch.

How will you program it to display the right time (HH:MM:SS) in 12 hour format?

category : PICTURE

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