Optical Illusion : Trippy Spiral Down Pattern

Before you stare this illusion for long, we must warn you that this falls under a category of extremely trippy illusions. The moment you look at it, you can feel the pattern spiraling down and the rest especially the portion between the corners and the center to be quite trippy. If you want to enhance the effect, try moving your eyes randomly over the pattern and you will find things worse. Do not stare this illusion for long as it is capable of giving you a headache and churning stomach.

category : TRIPPY


Optical Illusion : Boat Rowers on Eyelash

This is one of the most unique body paint illusion that we have ever come across. The sheer creativity makes it worth all the praise. Using just two colors and placing the art at a perfect place, the artist has done a commendable job undoubtedly. So fashion divas, what are you waiting for? Probably this illusion can bring upon a new trend. But this is just one of the example. We are wondering about so many other possibilities as well.

Optical Illusion : Mati Suri Movie Poster

Even we have not heard about this movie but we are sure that B horror movie fans must have. Do drop in your comments for our readers if you have seen this movie or know about it. Let us now concentrate on what we are here for i.e. the illusion created by the poster. We think that the skull is evident in this poster. The beauty about the illusion is how naturally it has been created. The operation room headlights has been used to create most of the skull while the surgeons' heads acts as eyes and imparting the proper shape. A cadaver has been used to form the teeth. It is really awesome right?

Optical Illusion : Dark Knight Coffee Foam Art

Now this is an art by a serious Batman fan. Who else will take the pain of illustrating the dark knight over a cup of coffee otherwise? But whoever has done it has managed to do a fine job. However, the otherwise fierce batman looks quite cute in this right? We would love to find this amazing art in our coffee cup next time we walk into a cafe. Would you?

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in the Environment

This picture is a little too over occupied but then, it is creating a magnificent illusion. There is a lot in this picture that you can perceive. Let us begin with the basic environment which is constituted by the tree, grass, shrub, water/river and the buildings on the far end. There is something in the middle of the image but we are not sure what it is. The next major thing you will perceive is a face formed using all the objects in the picture. There is something very deep about the face. Oh but let us not dive into the pool of philosophy here. Let us enjoy this amazing ambiguous illusion for what all it is offering.

Optical Illusion : Dead Horse

This illusion can be fairly categorized better under the outdoor illusions. What we have here is a rock that appears to be the head of a horse. Thus it appears as if a dead horse is been lying on the coast. It is often remarkable how the Mother Nature astonishes us with her creativity. However it is true that if you take a look at this rock from some other angle of view, you will not be able to perceive the same image. These illusions work from a specific camera view only.

Optical Illusion : Dancing Tree Girl

This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Optical Illusion : Look inside Elevator Door

Now this might prove to be a bit scary for so many people. The reason is because you can't expect to see what's hidden inside the elevator door. The outside looks completely normal but wait for the moment when the door opens. The insides will shock anyone definitely. Someone has done a good job in creating this illusion which is capable of surprising anybody. Well there is a little note when the door is closed - 'look inside'. So one can prepare accordingly. But what if you didn't take it seriously?

Optical Illusion : Fancy Stilettos

We bet you did not notice the stiletto placed in the white area in the first glance. What you might have noticed is the zoomed in image on the left. Now what does that look like? We are sure we need not explain anything as that is what most of the minds would have thought about and why not? It appears to be a sensual female figure but when you look at the stiletto picture, you realize that you have been dirty thinking again. They are just a pair of feet wearing the pair of stilettos. Next time when your mind is busy thinking odd things, do think in other sense as well.

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Girl 3D Sketch

This is absolutely stunning. How can someone create such a graceful woman sketch with a three dimensional effect. Except probably the facial expressions that appear to be a little hard, the rest of the posture, the arms and the dress simply looks so beautiful, so elegant and so graceful. Guess we used three adjectives defining the same meaning. Probably we were too charmed by the output that the artist has managed to produce in this three dimensional sketch.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Eating the Cloud

This is as simple as a cloud illusion can get. You don't need anything specific and just a little cloud hanging in the sky in front of you. Next you need a camera and someone who can click a nice picture and can guide you with the position of your mouth and hand. What you see here is just a play of perspective. Since, the man is close to the camera, the cloud appears to be a tiny object which as per his gesture, he is trying to eat.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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