Optical Illusion : Tree With Face

Its a example of skillful hands of mother nature.

By looking the photo we may befuddle
"Is it a Tree or a face of a man ?"
"Is it is man made or normal ?"

The tree has had its branches shaped so it takes after a face.
It makes a fascinating picture and makes you consider what this tree would look like with leaves on it.


Optical Illusion : Famous Rotating Circles Wallpaper

While this appear to be an extremely attractive wallpaper, just move your eyes randomly over the image and you will find the circles moving. It's really fun.

category : MOVING

Optical Illusion : Clouds from Kettle's Mouth

How about a hot tea in the chilly winters? But wait, this kettle is so amazing. Instead of the vapors of the hot tea, it is emitting out the clouds. This illusion is a proof that we can find elements to create an illusion all around us. The one who clicked this picture merely had a thought after watching a cloud overhead and converted a simple cloud into an interesting illusion. We do hope you can create a lot more such illusions.

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Same Sized Cars

With your first glance at the picture, the first thing that you will perceive is that the cars are of different sizes. But surprisingly, they are of same size. Shocked right? This is purely the play of camera angle and perspective. Just to be sure, you can go check this yourself. Of course, the cars need not to be the same model but almost same in size. Go behind them and see yourself from this particular angle and you will start believing in us more than you do now.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Amazing Skateboarding Car

You might have seen many people skateboarding and even perform stunts on the board. But have you ever found any car skateboarding? This is exactly what this illusion tries to show us. So is it a toy car? What if we say no? The truth is that it indeed is not a toy car. But then how is it standing over the skateboard? The reason here is the placement of both skateboard and the car. The skateboard is right in the front of the camera while the car is standing far ahead. This is the reason why it appears so small. And yes, the camera angle plays an important role too.

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Amazing Body Swan

This illusion that we have picked for you will blow your mind. Undoubtedly at the first look you were not able to acknowledge that it was a body of a model. Now you must be checking the image again right? This is the beauty of this body paint illusion. The artist has used the body of a model as a canvas to create an illusion of a swan. The artist's name is Gesine Marwedel and by all means this is an amazing illusion.

Optical Illusion : Color Adapting Wave-Lines

This one is a pretty simple illusion and yet it is really promising when you are researching about the color adaptation. You must be seeing different background colors with purple and orange wave-lines right? However we are telling you the fact that they all have a same white background.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Imaginary Tunnel

Today, we have brought you an illusion that will take y our breath away. This illusion can explain the true nature of physiological illusions accurately. If you look at the image below (which might appear to be a bit trippy), you will find that a tunnel or a hall with pillars has been formed using black and white colored stripes. But what if we tell you that they are just plain 2d colors which have been used in a particular pattern or manner that it gives you an illusion that you are looking at a tunnel or hall. This is exactly how two plain colors can play with our mind by simulating information that is not correct at all.

Optical Illusion : Dragon or Evil Face

Yes, we can see the devil's face with his angry eyes and the typical hat on his head. Those eyes definitely give us creeps. It feels like he is going to erupt out any moment now. But we are sure you also see a dragon in this picture. Now let's concentrate on the dragon's picture. A person on the right bottom is trying to fight off the dragon. We can see the mountains in the backdrop and a creepy night sky. All these attributes have been used to form the devil's face in some way or the other. Astonishing work by the artist for sure.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Trippy Flower Bed

There is no movement in this image. Obviously it is not a gif but in certain images, you experience motion within the still images. This is not one of them. But the pattern has been made in a manner that if you move your eyes through it, you feel high. It's not a big deal if you even develop a heavy head within a minute. So proceed with caution and at your own risk. Whoever designed this image has turned out to be extremely good.

category : TRIPPY

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