Optical Illusion : Statue of Liberty Shadow

This is definitely an easy one. But yet, the effort and innovativeness was good. You actually have to think before doing anything. After watching something, so many people can imitate but to come up with something is actually difficult. This is what the lady is doing in this illusion. She has positioned herself in the position like you can see in the statue of liberty. We are not sure what she has in her hair that are making up for the crown. Overall, the output is decent enough and something you can try at homes as well.


Optical Illusion : Famous Delboeuf

Which of these black dots is bigger in size ?

category : TRICKY | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Popular Duck or Rabbit

What do you see - a duck or a rabbit ?

category : TRICKY | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Stroop Effect

This stroop effect optical illusion is really something. You can see an image below. Can you read out aloud without stammering or slowing down your pace of reading?

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Shrinking Phantom Cross

Now this one is an amazing illusion that can also be categorized under non-animated optical illusions. There are four same looking patterns and between them is a space creating a cross. If you just keep looking or running your eyes here and there in the image, you will feel as if the cross is continuously shrinking. There is no reason it will stop despite of the fact that it is just what our mind is perceiving and not real.

category : COOL | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Buttoned Up Body Art

It is true that as the winter arrives, you have to button up your clothes so you can conserve your body heat. But look at this guy. We are sure that no one would want to button up his own skin right? Whoever has created this magnificent body art illusion has done a great deal of efforts to put in details especially if you see the stitched portion. You can clearly see the depth and yes anyone will be scared at first if you are a fan of those B horror movies.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Waterfall Crafting Mother Nature

This is an amazing picture. The waterfall has crafted Mother Nature into the rocks. It feels like she is diving inside the sea along with the falling water. The entire face and hands joined above the head are visible clearly. Some of you might say that the image has been tweaked to define the shape. It can be possible as the source is unknown to us. But the illusion is impressive and can be purely a nature's art as well.

Optical Illusion : Uninvolved in Peace

Now the UN people will be angered by looking at this picture. Clearly the board behind this man reads - Involved in Peace and there is the logo below that as well. The man wearing the helmet is having UN written on his helmet. But when he is standing at the current place and when the photograph is taken from this angle, it looks like he is stating that he is Uninvolved in Peace. It's funny how sometimes you are not even aware of these things when the pictures are clicked. But sometimes you do it deliberately as well. So which was it Mr. Photographer.

Optical Illusion : Crashing Cars

Some people are really innovative and this Crashing Cars Elevator Illusion is a great example. Here, the artist has painted on both the panes of the elevator door in a manner that as you see the doors closing you will feel as the cars will collide with each other. It is sure that the people who first saw this must have skipped the lift and tried again. Other than the creativity, if you see the quality of the art, you will find it amazing. The cars look so realistic and are rich with details. If you liked this illusion, do share with your friends.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Sleeping Baby Cloud

Now this is a cute illusion for sure. If you look carefully, you can find the outlining of a little baby lying done in comfort of the nature's arms. Probably nature treats everyone as her child and this illusion can also be seen as a metaphor if you want to enlighten yourself. Otherwise, just take it as an interesting thing. Make sure you click pictures next time you see any shape or figure formed by the clouds. Probably you can even share it with us.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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