Optical Illusion : Pink Color Test

There are two blocks of pink colors. Are they the same shade?


Optical Illusion : Spellbinding 3D Maze Art

Whoever has created this stunning illusion using just a single color shade over the grass, is definitely a great artist. The depth, the heights are so real that you might want to roam around in the maze for a while. The person standing on his hands is adding to the overall depth of the illusion. Really respect the artist for his amazing talent.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Bent Black and White Straws

It seems as if the straws that are shown here were tied at some places together which has caused the unusual bending of them. So do one thing. Take a ruler and measure the distance between any two straws at different places. You will be shocked to see that the straws have equal distance between them which means that they are absolutely straight. So why does our eyes perceive them as bent? It is because of the spiral texture made with contrasting colors black and white.

Optical Illusion : Identity Movie Poster

Identity is a really well made mystery thriller. It will leave you guessing till the end and when the final revelation is made, it will give you a big shock. Let us concentrate on this amazing poster of the movie. Of course it is a hand which suits well with the title of the movie. But what else can you find? There is a face on the palm. The five fingers also portrays a distinct figure of possibly the leads of the movie (though nothing is clear). We are wondering why such creativity in the posters is seen only in the horror movies?

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Lord of War Movie Poster

We are not sure if you have watched this movie or not. It is a good one time watch if you are asking for an opinion on the same. But let us not move into the review and concentrate on Nicholas Cage here. Of course you can see him but you can also see how the figure has been made. They are bullet shells and different sizes and colors of shells have been used to craft a passport size photograph of the actor. This also goes quite well with the theme of the movie. Again, it is an amazing work of art and we appreciate the efforts of the artist.

Optical Illusion : Sleeping Bunny Coffee Foam Art

Any girl would be exhilarated to find this cute sleeping bunny in her cup of coffee. If you can learn a bit of this art, you can surly surprise your loved one with it. It is amazing how the artist has crafted beautiful emotions on the face of the bunny. The eyes especially looks super cute. The commendable things is that the artist has not used any chocolate sauce or different tone of color to frame the features. The two little hearts on the corner just adds to the beauty of this art. We can very well imagine girls awing at this art.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Paradox Staircase

This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds Carving

We are not sure how many of you are familiar with the movie The Birds by the master of horror and thrillers Alfred Hitchcock. If you don't know about it, just Google it and see how the poster looks like. This carving has been done is a similar fashion and pays a tribute to the legend and his masterpiece. It's crazy really. We can only imagine how much efforts would have been required for such a complex carving. Great job done by the artist for sure.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Head out of Mouth

In this picture, it appears as if a head is popping out of this man's mouth. It is pretty much like those horror movies we see these days. It was a hand in The Possession and seems they have improved from hand to a complete head. However this is just the result of a photo bomb. The head belongs to a person who is present at the far end of the picture. The positioning has been set to ultimately give out the effect that the head is coming out of the mouth.

Optical Illusion : Abnormally Long Arms

Whoa! The girl in center has certainly grown abnormally long arms. They are reaching to the extreme ends. Seems like she has gained the superpower from fantastic four movie. Jokes apart, what is happening here? Actually her right hand is resting on the shoulder of the second girl to her right and the hand that you see ahead in actually the hand of that girl. They are aligned in the same line which is giving out this effect. The same is happening on her left side. The combined effect is that we perceive abnormally long arms.

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