Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?


Optical Illusion : Super Cool Upside Down Glasses

You can find such glasses at many stores. These are well suited for kids who can't help but admire the illusion. The print is made in a manner that when the glass is reversed, it still creates a picture that is by all means quite impressive. In this attached picture, you can see a girl crying when the glass is upside down and a happy guy when the glass is up.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Amazing Skateboarding Car

You might have seen many people skateboarding and even perform stunts on the board. But have you ever found any car skateboarding? This is exactly what this illusion tries to show us. So is it a toy car? What if we say no? The truth is that it indeed is not a toy car. But then how is it standing over the skateboard? The reason here is the placement of both skateboard and the car. The skateboard is right in the front of the camera while the car is standing far ahead. This is the reason why it appears so small. And yes, the camera angle plays an important role too.

Optical Illusion : Tatewaku Extinction

This is an extremely interesting illusion that has Japanese origin. Can you notice tiny colorful Dotson the corners of this image? Now you can also place a crosshair in the middle of the image. Just look at that crosshair and you will see that the colored dots will disappear. Yes you heard right. You don't have to stare long enough to experience the illusion. Just look at it and the dots vanish.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Sea Horse Coffee Foam Art

We do think that a sea horse over a coffee foam can't look cuter than this. What if you walk into a coffee shop and you are treated with this amazing art in your cup? That would surly make up for an extra tip right? This art is not a detailed one as only a single tone has been used to produce the final result but it is still quite cool. It might seem easy on the first look but just try it for yourself and you will know the effort behind it.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Skull Mountain

Though the resolution of this image is pretty small, you can still find out the reason we have posted this in our illusion list. In the mountains far ahead, you can clearly see a shape that can be referred to as a skull. The hollow eyes are even creepy adding a whole new impression to the illusion. The third hole below the one we referred as eyes can be taken as the nose. This is absolutely impressive as from a distance this far, it do appears like a skull crafted on the mountains.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Superman Elevator Door

This is the work of an extremely creative mind. We guess all of you must have watched superman movies and must be familiar with what is happening here. It's like superman is opening his shirt to reveal his costume. On the inside of the elevator, you find a superman poster pasted on the far end. But at this point do you think that this would have appeared even better if the insides were painted as the superman costume instead of the poster applied? Anyhow, this is a great elevator illusion and hats off to the creativity.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Dog Man Driving a Car

What do you see in this picture? It appears that an organism with a dog head and human body is actually driving a car. But that can only happen in the Hollywood movies right? So what has happened in this picture? Actually the picture has been taken by the person sitting on the passenger sitting exactly at the moment when the dog sitting on the backseat had his head between the lens of the camera and the driving person. This has generated an illusion that is being perceived by your eyes.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Wolverine or Two Bat Men

Now this is something amusing. We all know who wolverine is and who batman is. This is truly a picture of the x-men star Wolverine with the old comic style costume. But wait. Try to forget the yellow portion. Do you see two batmen facing each other in the picture? You did not see that coming did you? Well, this is amazing because no one would have thought of it like that till they actually saw this illusion.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Cloud Trails from Fingers

Seems like these four fingers created those trails in the otherwise clear blue sky. Creative right? Lucky? Yeah maybe. It is difficult to find such cloud line ups. But of course, someone might have digitally modified things to his own interest. Whatever it may be, the output result is impressive and encouraging for the people who like to create such illusions. Probably you will keep it in mind next time you come across such clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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