Optical Illusion : Holding the Sun

No, this is not some Photoshop edited image where the artist has given glow to an actual ball. It is actually the sun and no, the guy is not holding it. He is merely enacting that he is holding it (well isn't that obvious?). So this is a pretty simple illusion. All you need is a decent enough camera and a similar setting (place). Just stand in front of the sun and ask your photographer friend to guide you in a manner that the sun appears exactly between your arm and the body.


Optical Illusion : Amazing Missing Shapes

What geometrical figure can you perceive in the two images?

Optical Illusion : Stunning Ocean 3D Street Art

Hats off to the artist who has created this unbelievably real illusion of an ocean on the street. You might have seen a lot of 3D street arts and you can't deny that you will keep it in the list of the best ones. The unique thing is the amount of details that the artist has chosen to put into this illusion. There are coral reefs, fishes, whales, turtle, a scuba diving girl, a duck and so much more. Just look at the people sitting and marveling at the art. Wait! Is the little girl real or an illusion too?

Optical Illusion : Clouds from Kettle's Mouth

How about a hot tea in the chilly winters? But wait, this kettle is so amazing. Instead of the vapors of the hot tea, it is emitting out the clouds. This illusion is a proof that we can find elements to create an illusion all around us. The one who clicked this picture merely had a thought after watching a cloud overhead and converted a simple cloud into an interesting illusion. We do hope you can create a lot more such illusions.

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Climbing to Moon

The moon is so reachable to this person. But we were taught about the distance in our schools. Then how come it can appear to be reachable? There are several reasons behind this illusion. Fore mostly, in all these illusions, we appreciate the creativity and effort of the photographers. So yes, this would not have been possible without proper distance and the camera angle. Then, the placement of the ladder was very important. The final result is awesome.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Stroop Effect

This stroop effect optical illusion is really something. You can see an image below. Can you read out aloud without stammering or slowing down your pace of reading?

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Mushrooms Skull

What do you see in this illusion? It seems like someone has taken a picture from inside a cave where three mushrooms have grown up along with other herbs and shrubs. At the backdrop is a creepy full moon. It is indeed a nice capture but is that all that is to this picture? No absolutely not. The placement of objects in the picture create an illusion of a skull. Now the creepiness of the picture is enhanced right?

Optical Illusion : Premonition Movie Poster

This Sandra Bullock starrer horror movie was quite average in terms of the scare factor but the poster indeed is quite creative. Although you must have seen similar illusions in our site or on the web. But still, not all artists are able to come up with the inspiration in such a great manner. Of course the picture is edited but that does not snatch away the beauty of the illusion created here. After all who expects a movie poster to be a real image without any touch ups or editing. Coming to the illusion, we are sure you can trace a face, probably a female face in the poster that has been made using the branches of the trees and birds.

Optical Illusion : Dancing Tree Girl

This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Optical Illusion : Mother Nature Tree Illusion

It is often astonishing how Mother Nature crafts using her skillful hands. We have shared a few tree illusions with you so far and this is not much different from them. You can clearly trace a female figure in this picture. The best thing is that the feminine curves are quite evident in this picture making it so much more impressive. The hands and the face are evident too from this angle. A job well done by the one who clicked the picture we must say.

Optical Illusion : Giant Sunglasses

So, this man is making some hard efforts to lift the giant sunglasses that have probably come out from the fantasy world of Gulliver. The expressions are just amazing, making it so much believable. Of course the sunglasses are of normal size. The trick here is that someone is holding the sunglasses close to the lens. It is therefore appearing so giant. The man is standing at a distance and just enacting the whole thing. Perspective can offer you some astonishing results. It's just a matter of how you play with it.

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