Optical Illusion : The Devil Child

At the very first glance, you can see a horn growing on the girl's head. So is she a devil child? No of course not. There is nothing like that entity once you move out of the horror movies. So what is it? Look for a few seconds and find out yourself or read ahead. If you look between her side pony tails and head, you can see that there is a land between two segments of grasses. It is actually this land that is matched perfectly with her parting of hair. It is narrowing down because of the perspective. Isn't it amazing?


Optical Illusion : Impossible Fence Construction

This illusion is so cool. Created with the help of computer generated imagery and rendered to surprise us, this illusion is a great work. You know that this is a CG illusion and yet you can't help but wonder how this illusion was achieved. Of course it cannot be practically created but you can't help yourself in thinking of the possibilities.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Public Staircase Art

At first look it may come across your mind that someone has photoshopped the picture to make a fake illusion. But what if we tell you that this picture has been taken at the Bayview subway station in Toronto and it is a real life public illusion art? The art is certainly stunningly impressive. We all can see a staircase that goes from the floor to the middle of the wall. However what we perceive as a 3D object is merely a 2D drawing over the wall and floor to make an illusion. The artist is definitely great.

Optical Illusion : Clouds from Kettle's Mouth

How about a hot tea in the chilly winters? But wait, this kettle is so amazing. Instead of the vapors of the hot tea, it is emitting out the clouds. This illusion is a proof that we can find elements to create an illusion all around us. The one who clicked this picture merely had a thought after watching a cloud overhead and converted a simple cloud into an interesting illusion. We do hope you can create a lot more such illusions.

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Fountain out of Mouth

This illusion is so simple and yet so awesome. The placement of the lady and the erupting fountain behind her aligned with her mouth produces an amazingly fun illusion. I bet most of us have been around such fountains so many times, but we never thought of doing something like this. We are sure you will, the next time you visit any such place.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Same Levelled Balls

If you just concentrate on the two balls, you will feel that they are exactly at the same levels. But if you look at the extreme right, you will find staircase like levels But if the formation is attaining a height, then why it not evident at the ends. Do the steps actually happen to be there or they are just an illusion created by a 3d art? The truth is that such a figure cannot exist in the real world. It happens to give us two information that contradict with each other and thus it can't exist in the real world.

Optical Illusion : Tree in a Barren Land

Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.

Optical Illusion : Superman Elevator Door

This is the work of an extremely creative mind. We guess all of you must have watched superman movies and must be familiar with what is happening here. It's like superman is opening his shirt to reveal his costume. On the inside of the elevator, you find a superman poster pasted on the far end. But at this point do you think that this would have appeared even better if the insides were painted as the superman costume instead of the poster applied? Anyhow, this is a great elevator illusion and hats off to the creativity.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Creative Library

This is an amazing painting. Of course it can't exist in the real world but the sheer creativity is amazing to look at. The base is merging with the first level. At each levels, you can see a different doorway opening (through different doors). Well it certainly is a dream library. Consider the fact that you can actually read while sitting on a door that opens to space, sea, woods, sky etc. Who would not want to sit and read in such a library?

Optical Illusion : Dirty Logo

Now, whoever has made this logo either had a very dirty mind or simply could not understand how it could be perceived? We are sure you have already perceived it thinking with your dirty minds. It is actually funny. Consider the huge sized logo in the banners. Wouldn't the passerby actually laugh at it? Sometimes, people actually don't give it a thought. It is only after one has designed something that the realization hits him but it's too late by then. We hope this company changed their logo quickly.

Optical Illusion : Water Wall

Have you ever seen a wall made up of water? If no then have a look. Danish artist Jeppe Hein has created one such piece of art. The triangular structure is made of two-spyglass mirror and wall of water. The wall of water is created, by sensor drops when people are extremely close to it. Once you enter the flow picks up and the wall is created. People can look outside the triangle through the two-way mirrors and also reflect each other, the water, the visitors, and the surroundings, causing everything to seem to visually dissolve.

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