Optical Illusion : Creepy Tree

This image has surly been modified a little. But the result is excellent and it does not appear as fake. Even without the skull illusion this tree would have looked creepy enough but that illusion has made it even more eerie. Now it can surly be used as a movie poster of any horror movie. How did you find this skull illusion? Do leave your feedback in the comments section and don't forget to share it if you liked it.


Optical Illusion : Stunning Anamorphic Street Painting

These days, the anamorphic street arts or the 3d street paintings have become a rage. The illusion they offer is unparalleled and hats off to those artists. The attached picture also shows one of those marvelous illusions. If you come across such an illusion you might as well fear of falling right into the water. Mind you step! Certainly, this is an incredible art painted by an incredibly talented artist.

Optical Illusion : Magical Flying Carpet

What! That carpet is flying for real? You must have been shocked at the first look. Seems like this picture has been taken from one of those street magic shows. But when you will find the reason behind this illusion, you will be amazed at the creativity of the photographer. Can you find a blue flag in the picture? The shadow which appears to be made by the carpet is actually the shadow cast by that flag. Isn't it amazing?

Optical Illusion : Darth Vader Coffee Foam Art

This amazing art is sure to surprise the star wars fans. For others it might just be a simple character face but the fans can definitely relate more to it. It is obvious that the artist was a big fan of the franchise as well. Whatever it may be, the fact here is that the artist has done a fabulous job. Sometimes we do wonder how much art has progressed. The coffee foam arts surly surprises us in one of the most shocking ways.

Optical Illusion : The flaming Fart

Now this one is really funny. Amazing job guys! Just look at what the guy is doing. He is making it so much more believable by closing his nose with his fingers. Ohk one more thing is the camera angle which is just perfect. The placement of the guy and all is very important and we think that they thought of everything. The flow of flames is emerging right from behind. If the guy was standing even a bit on left, it would not have appeared that impressive. Anyhow, it is pretty funny right? We could not stop laughing.

Optical Illusion : Waterfall Crafting Mother Nature

This is an amazing picture. The waterfall has crafted Mother Nature into the rocks. It feels like she is diving inside the sea along with the falling water. The entire face and hands joined above the head are visible clearly. Some of you might say that the image has been tweaked to define the shape. It can be possible as the source is unknown to us. But the illusion is impressive and can be purely a nature's art as well.

Optical Illusion : Dancing Tree Girl

This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Optical Illusion : Holding the Sun

No, this is not some Photoshop edited image where the artist has given glow to an actual ball. It is actually the sun and no, the guy is not holding it. He is merely enacting that he is holding it (well isn't that obvious?). So this is a pretty simple illusion. All you need is a decent enough camera and a similar setting (place). Just stand in front of the sun and ask your photographer friend to guide you in a manner that the sun appears exactly between your arm and the body.

Optical Illusion : Creative Divorce Lawyer Ad

Now this is one of the most innovative ad we have ever seen. To reach the second floor, one will take the lift and will see a happy newly married couple on the elevator door. But wait. What will he see once the door opens? The happy couple split to give away a board on the other end where the name and profession of the divorce lawyer is present. Now, this advertisement is the work of an illusion as you can see it was not possible without the opening doors that create an illusion that the couple is separating. Clever and unique we must say.

Optical Illusion : Sailing in the Sky

Obviously, this painting is a paradox. This is not possible and self-contradictory. The fact is that the sea has been merged with the sky which can't exists in real world. But for the painters, anything is possible. The land is getting merged with the water and the water is getting merged with sky. The ships thus appear to be sailing in the sky. However if you look at the far end, it is sailing rightfully in the water. The overall effect of this illusion is quite interesting.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : Trippy Fan Pattern

Why do we call this a trippy fan pattern? If you notice in the center, you will notice a distinct shape that appears to be in the shape of a fan or the flower petals. Do you feel that it is moving? Keep staring for some time and you might feel it to be actually rotating. The reason is the background and the fact that the shape has been taken out from the same background with a slightly beveled nature. It is perfectly fine if you are not able to see it rotate. Not all people can experience this illusion.

category : TRIPPY

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