Mind Teasers : What Word Am I Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

What Word is identified by this rebus


Mind Teasers : Tricky Math Race Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rooney, Hernandez, and Robin race each other in a 100 meters race. All of them run at a constant speed throughout the race.

Rooney beats Hernandez by 20 meters.
Hernandez beats Robin by 20 meters.

How many meters does Rooney beat Robin by ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Impossible Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a recreational activity, you are given four different jars of 2 liters, 4 liters, 6 liters and 8 liters respectively with an unlimited water supply. Then you are asked to measure exactly 5 liters of water using them.

How will you do it?

Mind Teasers : New Answer Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a puzzle which can be asked all day with a different correct answer each time. What is the puzzle ?
category : TRICK

Mind Teasers : Famous Send More Money Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Below equation is one the most popular equation.Can you solve the below equation by replacing alphabet with a digit such that the equation holds as well?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

Mind Teasers : Logical Problem Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is one apple tree near my home. In this apple trees, there are some apples.
But after a mild wind, there are neither apples on tree nor on ground.

Explain ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

Mind Teasers : Popular Castle History Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A square island comprised of a square castle. A 14m wide trench surrounded the island from everywhere. Roman Empire wanted to invade the castle and gain the loot as well as possession of the island. They brought along wooden planks to cross the trench. However, they realized that the planks were just 13m long.

How did they use those planks to invade as well as capture the island ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Popular Probability Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Kangwa, Rafael and Ferdinand plans for gun fighting.
They each get a gun and take turns shooting at each other until only one person is left.

History suggest
Kangwa hits his shot 1/3 of the time, gets to shoot first.
Rafael, hits his shot 2/3 of the time, gets to shoot next if still living.
Ferdinand having perfect record at shooting(100% accuracy) shoots last , if alive.

The cycle repeats. If you are Kangwa, where should you shoot first for the highest chance of survival?

Mind Teasers : Police Investigating Murder Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A couple went to river rafting on a hill station. Two days after their departure, the husband returned alone. He informed the police that her wife was swept away by the waves and died.

On the next day, police arrived to his doorstep and when he opened the door, they arrested him for murdering his wife. They told him that his travel agent had called them.

He was shocked. How did the travel agent know about the murder? Can you suggest how did he know ?

Mind Teasers : Logical Murder Mystery Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The store room of your house is locked with a certain lock that can be closed without a key but requires a key to open which you own (there is no duplicate key). You decide to move your old stuff in the storeroom. After keeping the things carefully, you lock it back again perfectly. The next day, a dead body is found in your closed store room. Since only you have the key to the store room and you live alone, the police suspects you as a murderer. You can’t understand anything when suddenly a thought strikes your mind. There is a possible way using which the dead body could have been placed by someone else.

Can you find that way so you can tell the police and prove yourself to be innocent?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Lateral thinking picture puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, you can find a few numbers. Now you have to fill each square of the grid in a manner that every row and every column contains the digits 1 to 6. Another thing to keep in mind is that the connected squares must have the same number in them.

Do you accept the challenging task?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

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