In the following statements you will find that we are talking about seven of the eight members of a family either directly or through their relationship with other members.
a) Harry's wife's sister's husband's mother's son is Danny's cousin's father.
b) Shelly's grand-daughter's cousin's father's sister-in-law is Joseph's son-in-law's wife.
We know for sure that Pamela has no children, what relationship does she share with Michael?
PS: There are two possible solutions for this question.
==Solution 1==
Pamela is Michael's daughter. This is because Michael is Shelly's son. Also he is married to one of the Joseph's daughters. Joseph's other daughter is married to Harry and Danny is their son.
==Solution 2==
Michael and Harry are brothers. Shelly is their mother. In this case, 'Harry's wife's sister's husband's mother's son' refers to Harry himself. Thus, Danny is Michale's son and Pamela is Harry's daughter which means that Pamela is Michael's niece.