Mind Teasers : Really Good Clever Riddle

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A young lady was approached by an elderly woman who took her hand and meeting her eyes said to her, "You look starkly similar of my daughter. I lost her last month. I loved her a lot. Can you do me a favor? Can you say 'Goodbye mother' as I leave this restaurant. I will feel good if you do."

The young lady was puzzled but seeking her kind eyes, she agreed. As the elderly woman was leaving the restaurant, she said, "Goodbye mother" waving her hand toward her with a kind expression on her face.

Soon after, she received the shock of her life. Can you guess what it was?


Mind Teasers : Terrorist Plane Hijack Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist hijacks a plane with 10 passengers and there is a lot of gold in the plane.
After taking all the gold, the terrorist asked the government officials for 11 parachutes.
He killed all the passenger so that no one can identify him , take one parachute and jumps off.

Was he stupid to ask for 11 parachutes if he need only one ?

Mind Teasers : Intel Logical Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Chanu bought an ice cream cone having 5 different flavor scoop.
The five flavors in random order are Jamaica, nutty-chocolate, peppermint, walnut and orange

These are some hints to help identify the puzzled reader to determine the order of flavor from top to bottom.
1. The bottom flavor of the cone has 7 letters.
2. The walnut scoop is at between Jamaica and the nutty-chocolate scoop.
3. walnut is above the orange scoop but below the nutty-chocolate scoop.

So can you figure out the flavor of ice cream in order from top to bottom?

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Hard Chess Puzzle Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Your pieces are white.
You need to win in half a move.

How can you do this ?

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Pattern Series Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Use the logical reasoning to find out the missing piece in the picture given with this question.
Find the logic in the figure given and find out the missing one.

Mind Teasers : How Many Siblings Family Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a particular family, each boy has as many brothers as the sisters, but each girl has twice as many brothers as that of sisters.

How many numbers of siblings are there in the family?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : ( Q + U + I + C + K)^3 = QUICK

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below algebraic equation?

( Q + U + I + C + K)^3 = QUICK

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Find Out Who Survives Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

100 people are standing in a circle. The person standing at number 1 is having a sword. He kills the person next to him with the sword and then gives the sword to the third person. This process is carried out till there is just one person left.

Can you find out who survives?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Logic Fruits Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a box full of fruits,
all but two are grapes,
all but two are apples,
and all but two are oranges.

How many fruits are in the box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Hard IAS Brain Twister

Difficulty Popularity

An international IQ test is held on knockout terms in November 2013. The final contestants are from Britain and America respectively. Both of them are handed over the final test paper which they have to fill for evaluation. They have to write their names and date on the paper. When the evaluators are handed over the sheets, they find out that both the guys have same name. In no manner can they identify which sheet belongs to whom.

Can you identify the date on which the competition was held?

Mind Teasers : Popular Tricky Picture Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

AS you can see the picture, all you have to do is analyze it and tell who all from the pictured people will die if the person at E pushes the round object to the slide on the slope. Keep in mind all the physics and the terrain while you analyze the things.

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