Mind Teasers : QuickFire Chess Brain Teaser

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All chess lover must know that white piece always starts the game.
I am a big chess lover myself and therefore I am asking a quick-fire puzzle for all chess lovers.
Is it possible that all white pieces are at the original game position while black pawn is at the position shown in the picture below?

Of course black does not start the game.

Answer quick

category : PICTURE


Mind Teasers : Trick Answer Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In Era of Abraham Lincoln, there is a world famous surgeon whose more than 90% surgeries are successful and yet almost all of his patients die.

Explain ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

Mind Teasers : Sunday Probability Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Whats the probability of getting 5 Sunday(my favorite day) in a 31 day month ?

Mind Teasers : Tricky Glass Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Six identical glasses are in a row.
The first three glasses are filled with juice, and the last three glasses are empty.
By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and the empty glasses are alternate?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : ( Q + U + I + C + K)^3 = QUICK

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below algebraic equation?

( Q + U + I + C + K)^3 = QUICK

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Infoedge Interview Aptitude Problem

Difficulty Popularity

On a magical-intellectual land of gpuzzles , all the animal are rational(real smart).

There are six leopards and one sheep.
Leopard can eat sheep but since as the land is magical, the leopards who eats the sheep , turns into sheep and then can be eaten by the remaining leopard(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many sheep and leopard will be there , when we come back ?

Mind Teasers : Changed Password Trick Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a random day , i was not able to logged-in with my bank password , so i contacted them on phone.
Our conversation is stated as :

myself : My password is altered.
myself : I am not able to logged-in.
customer-executive : Your password is distinct this time and it got 8 letters , out of which 2 are same of your previous password.
myself: Thanks , now i am able to logged-in.

Whats my old and new passwords ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Riddle For Smart People

Difficulty Popularity

A teacher is told that the principal of the school will be inspecting his class on the next day. Now, the teacher is worried for the impression that his class might cast on the principal since all the students are not intelligent. Also, the principal can ask questions from anywhere. However, he will have the power to choose any student for answering the question.

Now he wants that the principal must be impressed with the performance of his class. What will he do to maximize the final impression on the principal ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Smart Birbal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Akbar called Birbal and asked him to draw a line on the floor. He asked Birbal to make that line smaller without erasing it. Birbal smiled and did it before Akbar could blink his eyes.

How did he managed to do it?

Mind Teasers : Eight Eights Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Using eight eights and addition only, can you make 1000?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Popular Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A girl liked to collect money in a piggy bank. She bought pink colored piggy bank when she was 10 years old. She put $250 in the box on each of her birthday. Her younger sister took $50 out of her piggy bank on her birthday. The girl died when she was 50 years old due to an incurable disease.

When the piggy bank was opened, it had just $500. How can that be possible?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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