Mind Teasers : Perfect Number Maths Question

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A perfect number is defined as a positive number(integer) which is equal to the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.

two examples are mentioned below as :
6 => 1+2+3
12=> 1+2+3+6

Can you find another perfect number which consist of <= 2digits.
category : LOGIC | MATHS


Mind Teasers : Awesome Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Q1. Find out the first question where the right answer is c)
a) Q3
b) Q4
c) Q1
d) Q2

Q2. Find out the first question where the right answer is a)
a) Q4
b) Q2
c) Q3
d) Q1

Q3. Find out the first question where the right answer is d)
a) Q1
b) Q2
c) Q4
d) Q3

Q4. Find out the first question where the right answer is b)
a) Q2
b) Q4
c) Q3
d) Q1
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Colditz Pascal Prison Escape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two world's famous prisoners 'Colditz' and 'Pascal' are locked in a cell.
They plan to escape from the cell.
They noticed there is an open window at 40 feet above the ground level.
Both of them tried very hard but are never able to reach there.

Then both of them decided to plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for just 5 days, Colditz and Pascal comes out with the much more easier plan than tunneling and they escaped.

what was the plan ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

Mind Teasers : Palindrome Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There can be myriad ways to create a palindrome. One day, I thought of making my own palindrome. I thought of a number and then decided to add the reversed number to it. Sadly, I did not get a palindrome.

So I kept repeating this step and eventually I succeeded in creating a palindrome. I don't know if you can always create a palindrome using this method but I was able to generate one of four digits.

Can you tell me the number at which I started?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Accelerating Train Logic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I sit on Japan's latest maglev bullet train from its first station. The train starts and is now accelerating and is about to enter the tunnel. What is the best position for me to sit, considering I am a claustrophobic guy?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Floating Fish MatchStick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the image below, group of fishes are swimming from left to right. By moving just three matchsticks, can you make fishes from right to left?

Mind Teasers : Really Good Clever Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A young lady was approached by an elderly woman who took her hand and meeting her eyes said to her, "You look starkly similar of my daughter. I lost her last month. I loved her a lot. Can you do me a favor? Can you say 'Goodbye mother' as I leave this restaurant. I will feel good if you do."

The young lady was puzzled but seeking her kind eyes, she agreed. As the elderly woman was leaving the restaurant, she said, "Goodbye mother" waving her hand toward her with a kind expression on her face.

Soon after, she received the shock of her life. Can you guess what it was?

Mind Teasers : Trick Interesting Maths puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are three cars in a racing track. The track is made forming a perfect circle and is quite wide so that at one time, multiple cars can pass through it. The car which is leading is driving at 55 MPH and the slowest car is driving at 45 MPH. The car that is in middle of these two is driving in between the two speeds. For the time being you can say that the distance between the fastest car and the middle car is x miles and it is same between the middle car and the slowest car. Also, x is not equal to 0 or 1.

The car keeps running till the leading car catches up with the slowest car and then every car stops. Given the case, do you think that at any point, the distance between any two pairs will again become x miles?

Mind Teasers : Brain Teasing Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The question is simple, you have to find out who did it? However the way to the solution might be tricky and confusing. Just remember that only one of the statement is true and rest three are false.

1. Ms. Rihanna: 'Ms. Britney did it.'
2. Ms. Britney: 'Ms. Rihanna did it.'
3. Ms. Gwyneth: 'Ms. Britney’s telling the truth.'
4. Ms. Yoon: 'Ms. Gwyneth’s not lying.'
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : 4 + 9 != 13

Difficulty Popularity

If the following is true, can you find the value of (4 + 9)?

7 + 7 = 2
8 + 8 = 4
8 + 5 = 1
6 + 9 = 3
10 + 11 = 9
category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The needles of a clock overlaps at 12:00 in a 12 hour format clock.

When will the two needles overlap again ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

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