Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the figure given below, you can see that there are five squares. Supposedly if this figure is formed using different matchsticks (refer the slight gap between matchsticks), can you remove just two matchsticks so that only two squares remain ?


Mind Teasers : Decrypt Password Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A person has uncovered a secret that was a mystery for ages. He transfers the data into his hard drive and encrypts the drive with a password. Then, he writes a line on a paper to remember the password.

The line says 'You force heaven to be empty'.

Can you decrypt the line to reveal the password if you know that the password is seven characters long that comprise of just letters and numbers?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the figure given below, you can see that there are five squares. Supposedly if this figure is formed using different matchsticks (refer the slight gap between matchsticks), can you remove just two matchsticks so that only two squares remain ?

Mind Teasers : Math IQ Question

Difficulty Popularity

Adam is one of the finalist in an IQ championship. As the final test, he is provided with two hourglass. One of them can measure eleven minutes while the other one can measure thirteen minutes.
He is asked to measure exactly fifteen minutes using those two hourglasses. How will he do it ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : Save Death Penalty Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man committed a felony. As per the rules of the empire, the king decided to sentence him to death. However, he gave the man a choice; a choice to decide which way he wanted to die.

The man was quite smart and he said something, which saved him from his death. What do you think he must have said?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Measure Water Supply Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You had an infinite supply of water and a 5 ml and 3 ml gallons.

How would you measure exactly 4 ml in least number of steps ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : Base Ball Games Cryptarithmetic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below cryptarithmetic riddle
by replacing alphabets of words by a number so that the algebraic equation holds true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

Mind Teasers : Sherlock Holmes Murderer Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are five people. One of them shot and killed one of the other five.

1. Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men.
2. Mike considered being a farmer before he moved to the city.
3. Jeff is a topnotch computer consultant and wants to install Ben's new computer next week.
4. The murderer had his leg amputated last month.
5. Ben met Jack for the first time six months ago.
6. Jack has been in seclusion since the crime.
7. Dan used to drink heavily.
8. Ben and Jeff built their last computers together.
9. The murderer is Jack's brother. They grew up together in Seattle.

Sherlock holmes arrived at the scene and immediately find the murderer.

who was the murderer ?

category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Sachin new ferrari car has five wheels(two front wheels, two Rear wheels and one spare wheel).
Real car Wheel will wear out in exact 21000 miles and front wheel will wear out after exact 29000 miles.

What is the maximum distance sachin can cover.

Note: unlimited numbers of changing the tyres can take place.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Maths Cube Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have two cubes with plane faces. You have to mark both the cubes with numbers in a manner that all the days of a month can be portrayed using those cubes. Also, note that you have to use both the cubes for displaying any date. Suppose if you have to display the 5th day of the month, you will have to display it as 05.

Can you do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tricky Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Alan is an honest person who never speaks a lie. He thinks of a number among 1, 2 and 3. Now, you can ask him only one question and that too for which the answer that you will receive will be in the form of yes, no or don't know. But he will reply only truth fully.

What will you ask from his so that you can know the number he is thinking of?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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