Mind Teasers : Mark Odd One Out

Difficulty Popularity

One of the following numbers can be marked out as the odd one out. Can you find which one?

1) 680986879
2) 716089780
3) 820670987
4) 932967879
category : ODDD ONE OUT


Mind Teasers : Trick Missing Pound Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a book lover and i saw a book for Pound 97.
I am short of money , so i borrowed Pound 50 from my sister and 50 from my brother = Pound 100.
I bought the book, and had Pound 3 change. I gave brother Pound 1 and my sister Pound 1 and kept the other Pound 1 for myself. Now I owe my mum Pound 49 and my brother Pound 49. 49+49 = 98 + my Pound 1 = 99.

Where is the missing Pound ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : The sheep and the grass logical puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If we tie a sheep to one peg, a circled grass is been eaten by the sheep. If we tie the sheep to two pegs with a circle on its neck, then an eclipse is eaten out of the grass by the sheep. If we want an eclipse then we put two pegs then put a rope in between then and the other end of the rope is tied up on the sheep's neck.

Question: how should we tie the peg and the sheep so that a square is eaten out from the garden's grass? We only have one sheep's rope and the peg and the rings.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Very Hard Math Question

Difficulty Popularity

There stand nine temples in a row in a holy place. All the nine temples have 100 steps climb. A fellow devotee comes to visit the temples. He drops a Re. 1 coin while climbing each of the 100 steps up. Then he offers half of the money he has in his pocket to the god. After that, he again drops Re. 1 coin while climbing down each of the 100 steps of the temple.

If he repeats the same process at each temple, he is left with no money after climbing down the ninth temple. Can you find out the total money he had with him initially?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Impossible Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a recreational activity, you are given four different jars of 2 liters, 4 liters, 6 liters and 8 liters respectively with an unlimited water supply. Then you are asked to measure exactly 5 liters of water using them.

How will you do it?

Mind Teasers : Number Sequence Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Identify the next two numbers in this Sequence ?

101, 112, 131, 415, 161, 718, ???, ???

category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Be Detective And Find The Thief Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to be a detective and need to find the thief in the puzzle below?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Outside a room there are three light switches. One of switch is connected to a light bulb inside the room.
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.

You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room(note: you can enter the room only once)

Your task is to then determine which switch controls the bulb ??
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Decipher MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the two rows to find the hidden word?

Mind Teasers : Popular Castle History Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A square island comprised of a square castle. A 14m wide trench surrounded the island from everywhere. Roman Empire wanted to invade the castle and gain the loot as well as possession of the island. They brought along wooden planks to cross the trench. However, they realized that the planks were just 13m long.

How did they use those planks to invade as well as capture the island ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : IAS Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I need to divide numbers from 1 to 9 into two group such that sum of numbers in one group is equal to the sum of other group.
Note : 6 cannot be flipped over to make it 9.
category : LOGIC

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