Mind Teasers : The Lottery Puzzle

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Let's say in a lottery Samuel have a 4% chance of winning the jackpot.
All lined up and 1st four people on the line lose. Samuel is 5th in the row.
What's the chance of Samuel winning now?


Mind Teasers : Smart Trick Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Five girls were seen struggling while trying to get under the same small umbrella and yet, all five of them managed to remain dry completely?

How can it be true?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Nine Coins Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Nine coins are arranged in a triangle as shown in the picture below. You need to slide two triangles to form a square. Can you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Best Ramanujan Birthday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Today is Ramanujan birthday.
A year Ago on his birthday, he had five candles and he lit all except the last one.
Today he is going to light all the candles.

How old is Ramanujan Today?

Note: He is not turning five today.

category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Unique Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It takes ten minutes to fry a steak (five minutes for each side). You are frying the steaks in a pan that can accommodate only two steaks at one time. What is the least amount of time by which you can fry all the three steaks you have?

Mind Teasers : Password Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Angelina Jolie is trapped in a tomb. The only way to escape is figure out a 13 character password. Following are the five clues that are available to her.

Precisely two of the below statements are false.
The password is confined within this sentence.
The password is not in this hint.
The password is inside only one of these statements.
At least one of the above statement is a lie.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Hard Chess Puzzle Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Your pieces are white.
You need to win in half a move.

How can you do this ?

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Riddle For Smart People

Difficulty Popularity

A teacher is told that the principal of the school will be inspecting his class on the next day. Now, the teacher is worried for the impression that his class might cast on the principal since all the students are not intelligent. Also, the principal can ask questions from anywhere. However, he will have the power to choose any student for answering the question.

Now he wants that the principal must be impressed with the performance of his class. What will he do to maximize the final impression on the principal ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Classic Lateral Thinking Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There are two glasses in front of you. One of the glasses is full of coke and the other glass is full of lemonade. You take a spoonful of coke and mix it into the glass of lemonade. Now the lemonade glass has a mixture of coke and lemonade. You take a spoonful of that mixture and mix it inside the coke glass.

Now what do you think? - The glass with coke has more quantity of lemonade or the glass with lemonade have more quantity of coke mixed with it?

Mind Teasers : Logic Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

prinka and tanu organized a small kitty party at home. They purchased a barrel of fruit juice.

Tanu told to prinka 'I bet this barrel of fruit juice is more than half full'.
'No, its less than half full' prinka replied.

I don't have any measuring instrument and without removing fruit juice from it , how can i determine which of us is right ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logical Murder Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Four kids having five rocks each were playing a game in which they need to throw the rock at solid area in the water.

Kid1: Succeeded in throwing three rocks at solid area but one of the rock sunk.

Kid3: His aim was so bad that all rocks got sunk.

Kid4: He was awesome and none of the rocks got sunk.

Kid2 was the winner but was struck by a rock in the head and died.

Who killed Kid2 ?

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