Mind Teasers : Long Disgusting Riddle

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There were once 3 brothers, one day on the way to their grandmothers funeral their car broke down.
Oh great, they all thought, and tried to fix the car but finally decided they had no idea what they were doing.
The middle and youngest brother teamed up and forced the eldest to walk in search of a house where they could use a telephone to call a local tow truck.
They were literally stranded out in the middle of nowhere-the landscape was barren and nondescript.
The eldest brother walked for ages until suddenly he appeared before a large Victorian home. Everything was pink.
Thinking that this was a little strange, the brother peered down the road for possible neighbors, but he could see nothing at all.
The picket fence lining the yard was pink, as was the gate. The path to the house was pink, the porch was pink. The door was pink. The shudders were pink. EVERYTHING was pink.
He opened up the fence gate which screeched 'Piiiinnnkkk!!' as he walked the path his footsteps barked 'Pi-Pink Pi-Pink P-Pink!!'. As he walked the porch steps they groaned 'PPPink PPPink PPPink!!'
Finally, with many 'Pink' statements he made it to the door and knocked loudly, the door shouted back 'PINK PINK'
He waited a minute or two but no one answered the door. He decided it was best to go inside anyway, they still needed to make a phone call. He grabbed the doorknob and turned it- it whispered softly 'ppinkkk'.
He shouted into the home 'Hello? Im just here to use your phone!'
When he looked around the home, once again everything was pink. Pink furniture, Pink carpeting, Pink drapes, Pink walls.
He figured the phone was in the kitchen so he walked in there, pink tile, pink cupboards, pink fridge, pink everything.
He heard his stomach growl and decided to steal some food, plus the phone call could wait. When he opened the pantry there sat Bread Brand and Rice Flakes. He chose the Rice Flakes and ate it happily.

Back at the stranded car, the two brothers became angry, they both decided to search for their brother and for a phone. They walked for what seemed hours and soon discovered the giant pink house and figured their brother had gone there, as there was no other neighbors.

The picket fence lining the yard was pink, as was the gate. The path to the house was pink, the porch was pink. The door was pink. The shudders were pink. EVERYTHING was pink.
They opened up the fence gate which screeched 'Piiiinnnkkk!!' as they walked the path their footsteps barked 'Pi-Pink Pi-Pink P-Pink!!'. As they walked the porch steps they groaned 'PPPink PPPink PPPink!!'
Finally, with many 'Pink' statements they made it to the door and knocked loudly, the door shouted back 'PINK PINK'
They waited a minute or two but no one answered the door. They decided it was best to go inside anyway, they still needed to make a phone call. One brother grabbed the doorknob and turned it- it whispered softly 'ppinkkk'.
The other brother shouted into the home 'Hello? We're just here to use your phone!'
When they looked around the home, once again everything was pink. Pink furniture, Pink carpeting, Pink drapes, Pink walls.
They figured the phone was in the kitchen so they walked in there, pink tile, pink cupboards, pink fridge, pink everything.
The brothers both heard their stomachs growl and decided to steal some food, plus the phone call could wait. When they opened the pantry there sat Bread Brand and Rice Flakes. Both of them chose the Bread Brand at ate it happily.
They waited some time for their brother to show up, but he was strangely missing. The two brothers decided he had gotten a ride, so they used the phone to call a tow truck which took the two of them to their grandmothers funeral.
Still they saw no sign of their brother, and never did again after that day.

Whats the moral of the story??

*HINT* the house wasn't their grandmothers, and the eldest brother wasn't brutally murdered or anything like that.
category : STORY


Mind Teasers : Fun With Maths - Pool Table Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you make the below equation true by placing three correct balls in the picture below?

Mind Teasers : Unique Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It takes ten minutes to fry a steak (five minutes for each side). You are frying the steaks in a pan that can accommodate only two steaks at one time. What is the least amount of time by which you can fry all the three steaks you have?

Mind Teasers : Logic Coins Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Assuming i have an infinite supply of coins.

What is the fewest number of coins would be required in order to make sure each and every coin touched exactly three other coins.

Mind Teasers : Hard Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A great meeting is held by a great logician where all the other logicians are called upon. The master logician takes them in a room and makes them sit in circle. A hat is placed on each of their heads. Now all of them can see the color of hats others are wearing but can’t see his own. They are told that there different colors of hats.

The master logician explains that a bell will be rung at regular intervals and the moment when a logician knows the color of his hat, he will leave on the next bell. If anyone leaves at the wrong bell, he will be disqualified and sent home.

All of them are assured of one thing that the puzzle will not be impossible for anyone of them. How will they manage the situation?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Hard MatchStick Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You can see five identical squares made with blue matchsticks in the given figure. You have to make them six identical squares instead. To do that, you are only allowed to move three matchsticks. How will you achieve the desired result?

Mind Teasers : Popular Deductive Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Eight Brothers lives in an old house where there is no electricity and no computers or any any other gadget.

Brother-1: Reading Comics
Brother-2: Playing Chess
Brother-3: Writing
Brother-4: making food for the family
Brother-5: sleeping and snoring
Brother-6: cleaning house
Brother-7: watering the plants

what is Brother-8 doing ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Famous Probability Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

This is a famous probability puzzle in which you have to choose the correct answer at random from the four options below.
Can you tell us whats the probability of choosing correct answer in this random manner.

1) 1/4
2) 1/2
3) 1
4) 1/4

Mind Teasers : Save Death Penalty Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man committed a felony. As per the rules of the empire, the king decided to sentence him to death. However, he gave the man a choice; a choice to decide which way he wanted to die.

The man was quite smart and he said something, which saved him from his death. What do you think he must have said?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Truth Or Lie Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Zoe and Joe are twin brothers. One of them is a falsifier however the other one always speaks truth. I asked one of the, “Does Zoe lie?” The person replied with a yes.

Whom did I talk with? Zoe or Joe?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Riddle For Smart People

Difficulty Popularity

A teacher is told that the principal of the school will be inspecting his class on the next day. Now, the teacher is worried for the impression that his class might cast on the principal since all the students are not intelligent. Also, the principal can ask questions from anywhere. However, he will have the power to choose any student for answering the question.

Now he wants that the principal must be impressed with the performance of his class. What will he do to maximize the final impression on the principal ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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