Mind Teasers : Interesting IPS Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How is it possible for two people to be standing behind each other at the same time ?
category : RIDDLE


Mind Teasers : Maths Pyramid Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Complete the pyramid my replacing ? with the correct number.
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Sunday Probability Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Whats the probability of getting 5 Sunday(my favorite day) in a 31 day month ?

Mind Teasers : Tricky Password Mystery Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A brother wants to use his brother's desktop computer. When he opens it, he finds out that it is password protected. Now, he clicks on the hint and the following appears in front of him:

1 Jug 2 Birthdays 3 Fights 4 Cars 2 Laptops 1 Watch

He is left confused entirely. He has no clue. Can you help him with the password?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Hard Ten Boxes Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You have ten boxes and an electronic weighing machine. In those ten boxes, you have chocolates. Each chocolate weigh 20 grams. But in one box the chocolates are defective and each weigh 19 grams exactly.

Now you can weigh in the electronic weighing machine but you can use that machine just once. How will you find out which box has the defected chocolates.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Interesting Bet Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a bowl, there are several chits with distinct numbers on them. You have to choose any two of them at random.

Will you accept the 2 to 1 bet that the numbers will be relatively prime will you accept it?

For instance:
If the numbers you pick are 6 and 13, you lose $1.
If the numbers you pick are 5 and 25, you win $2.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Murder Mystery Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A homicide detective is called upon a crime scene. He finds that a body is lying on the ground in front of a multistory building. By all the means, it looks like a simple suicide case. But there are doubts in his mind.

He goes to the first floor and moves into the room facing the direction of the body. He opens the window in that direction and looks down towards his team. The he goes to the second floor and again moves into the room facing that direction, opens the window and looks down at his team.

He continues with the same process till the top floor. After that, he returns back to where his team is standing. He tells them that it is a suicide.

How did he come to such a conclusion?

Mind Teasers : 12 Sum Matchstick Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

We have arranged matchsticks in a manner that all the first row, second row, first column and third column contain 12 matchsticks each. Can you remove 4 matchsticks and rearrange all the remaining matchsticks that we are still left with 12 matchsticks in the first row, second row, first column and the third column.

Mind Teasers : Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Sachin new ferrari car has five wheels(two front wheels, two Rear wheels and one spare wheel).
Real car Wheel will wear out in exact 21000 miles and front wheel will wear out after exact 29000 miles.

What is the maximum distance sachin can cover.

Note: unlimited numbers of changing the tyres can take place.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tricky Mathematician Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A mathematician was challenged to write nineteen in a manner that if one was taken out of it, it became twenty. He failed to do it.

Can you help him?

Mind Teasers : IAS Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I need to divide numbers from 1 to 9 into two group such that sum of numbers in one group is equal to the sum of other group.
Note : 6 cannot be flipped over to make it 9.
category : LOGIC

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