Mind Teasers : The Ice cream Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Simon Pegg is a big Chelsea fan and he decided to sell the ice cream cones at 90% discounted price because of champions league win. But he got just two flavours choco-mix and strawberry. Pegg is selling strawberry ice cream at $1 and Choco-mix at $2.
Because it's a 90% discounted rate, so he is selling just one ice cream to one person.
Jose Mourinho went to the shop and gave the Pegg $2 and without asking Jose the seller gives him the Choco-mix ice cream cone.
Next, Pep Guardiola comes and also gave the Pegg the same amount i.e. $2.

Now Pegg asks Guardiola which flavour cone does he wants.

Why so different behaviours towards Jose and Pep ?
category : LOGIC


Mind Teasers : Decrypt Password Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A person has uncovered a secret that was a mystery for ages. He transfers the data into his hard drive and encrypts the drive with a password. Then, he writes a line on a paper to remember the password.

The line says 'You force heaven to be empty'.

Can you decrypt the line to reveal the password if you know that the password is seven characters long that comprise of just letters and numbers?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

Mind Teasers : Tough Number Problem Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Find smallest number that you can write using all the vowels(A,E,O,I,U) exactly once?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Climbing Top Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man is trying to climb over a frozen mountain that is sixty feet high. Every minute, he can climb 3 feet, but due to the slippery ice, he slips back 2 feet.

How long will it take him to reach the top of the mountain?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : How Many Seconds In A Year Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of calculation, can you find how many seconds are there in a year ?

Mind Teasers : Movie Pictogram Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Which movie name is hidden in the pictogram rebus below?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Supernatural - Who Are We Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

We are the most popular hunters of the world.
We fight against hell.
We kill criminal vampires.
We kill demons.
We always do it together as we are the brother.

Who are we?

Mind Teasers : Math Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

1 pound = 100 penny
= 10 penny x 10 penny
= 1/10 pound x 1/10 pound
= 1/100 pound
= 1 penny

=> 1 pound = 1 penny

Solve this math trick question ?

Mind Teasers : Find Out Who Survives Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

100 people are standing in a circle. The person standing at number 1 is having a sword. He kills the person next to him with the sword and then gives the sword to the third person. This process is carried out till there is just one person left.

Can you find out who survives?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Shortest Who Am I

Difficulty Popularity

Who am I?

Mind Teasers : Logic Fruits Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a box full of fruits,
all but two are grapes,
all but two are apples,
and all but two are oranges.

How many fruits are in the box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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