Mind Teasers : Gravity Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decode the below gravity rebus?

category : REBUS | PICTURE


Mind Teasers : Knockout Matches Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say that a table tennis tournament was going on with knock out terms which means the one who loses the match is out of the tournament. 100 players took part in that tournament.

How many matches were played?

Mind Teasers : Maths Cube Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have two cubes with plane faces. You have to mark both the cubes with numbers in a manner that all the days of a month can be portrayed using those cubes. Also, note that you have to use both the cubes for displaying any date. Suppose if you have to display the 5th day of the month, you will have to display it as 05.

Can you do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Probability To Choose Own Toy Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

I bought three toys for my triplet boys (one for each). I placed the toys in the dark store. One by one each boy went to the store and pick the toy. What is the probability that no boy will choose his own toy?

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Outside a room there are three light switches. One of switch is connected to a light bulb inside the room.
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.

You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room(note: you can enter the room only once)

Your task is to then determine which switch controls the bulb ??
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logic Question In Maths

Difficulty Popularity

Two trains under a controlled experiment begin at a speed of 100 mph in the opposite direction in a tunnel. A supersonic bee is left in the tunnel which can fly at a speed of 1000 mph. The tunnel is 200 miles long. When the trains start running on a constant speed of 100 mph, the supersonic bee starts flying from one train towards the other. As soon as the bee reaches the second train, it starts flying back towards the first train.

If the bee keeps flying to and fro in the tunnel till the trains collide, how much distance will it have covered in total?

Mind Teasers : Climbing Top Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man is trying to climb over a frozen mountain that is sixty feet high. Every minute, he can climb 3 feet, but due to the slippery ice, he slips back 2 feet.

How long will it take him to reach the top of the mountain?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Sports Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Shihar Dhawan and Virat Kohli were batting on 94.
Seven runs were required to win by the team and only three balls were left.

At the end, both of them secured a century without being out.

How can this be feasible?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logical Arrangement Bonfire Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

30 classmates went for a bonfire. While sitting around the fire, they decided to play a game. To play it, they divided themselves into 5 teams in a way that there were 5 rows having 7 people each.

How can this arrangement be possible while sitting around the bonfire?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Popular Tricky Picture Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

AS you can see the picture, all you have to do is analyze it and tell who all from the pictured people will die if the person at E pushes the round object to the slide on the slope. Keep in mind all the physics and the terrain while you analyze the things.

Mind Teasers : Harry Potter And Prisonor of Azkaban Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Think of a person living in a disguise
The one who also deals in secrets and speaks nothing other than lies
Now think of a thing that's always the last to mend
What's the middle of the middle and also the end of the end?
Now think of the sound that you have often heard
When you were searching for a difficult-to-find word
Now if you can join them together and you can answer this
Which creature would you be reluctant to kiss?

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