Mind Teasers : Famous Phrase Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What famous phrase is represented by this Rebus ?

R | E | A | D


Mind Teasers : Maths Pyramid Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Complete the pyramid my replacing ? with the correct number.
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Detective Murder Or Suicide Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A homicide team enters a crime scene where a dead body of a fat old man lies there on the floor with blood oozing out of his head. The victim is holding a gun and a tape recorder lies there by his side. One of the detective picks up the recorder and plays it "I am tired of this life and hence I have decided to relieve myself from the worldly pains". A gunshot follows the message.

The teams starts investigating a murder investigation.


category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Who Are We

Difficulty Popularity

Without being called, we came out at night.
Without being stolen, we get lost in the day.
Who are we?

Mind Teasers : Guess Game Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a guess game , five friends had to guess the exact numbers of balls in a box.
Friends guessed as 31 , 35, 39 , 49 , 37, but none of guess was right.The guesses were off by 1, 9, 5, 3, and 9 (in a random order).
Can you determine the number of balls in a box ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Dollar * 4 = Quarter Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A quarter is 1/4th of a dollar but Professor Mr.GPuzzles has reversed the equation as below :


You need to replace each alphabet by a number to decipher the logic used by Professor to make above equation true.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

Mind Teasers : Birbal Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Birbal is a witty trader who trade of a mystical fruit grown far in north. He travels from one place to another with three sacks which can hold 30 fruits each. None of the sack can hold more than 30 fruits. On his way, he has to pass through thirty check points and at each check point, he has to give one fruit for each sack to the authorities.

How many mystical fruits remain after he goes through all the thirty check points?

Mind Teasers : Magician Cards Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A magician has four playing cards in random order in his hand ( 3 4 5 and 6)

Magician wishes them placed in ascending order from his left to his right.

* To do this, he pulls the leftmost card (from viewer perspective) and puts it end.
* He then takes the third card from the right (from viewer perspective) and puts it in end.

What is the original order of the cards from magician perspective?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Trick Interesting Maths puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are three cars in a racing track. The track is made forming a perfect circle and is quite wide so that at one time, multiple cars can pass through it. The car which is leading is driving at 55 MPH and the slowest car is driving at 45 MPH. The car that is in middle of these two is driving in between the two speeds. For the time being you can say that the distance between the fastest car and the middle car is x miles and it is same between the middle car and the slowest car. Also, x is not equal to 0 or 1.

The car keeps running till the leading car catches up with the slowest car and then every car stops. Given the case, do you think that at any point, the distance between any two pairs will again become x miles?

Mind Teasers : Hidden Bird In Snow Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden bird in the picture (winter time) below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Maths Magic - Square Root 12345678987654321 Brain Teaseer

Difficulty Popularity

We all know that square root of number 121 is 11.
But do you know what si the square root of the number "12345678987654321" ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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