Mind Teasers : Count The Triangles Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Count the triangles in picture below


Mind Teasers : Maths Magic - Square Root 12345678987654321 Brain Teaseer

Difficulty Popularity

We all know that square root of number 121 is 11.
But do you know what si the square root of the number "12345678987654321" ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Hard MatchStick Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You can see five identical squares made with blue matchsticks in the given figure. You have to make them six identical squares instead. To do that, you are only allowed to move three matchsticks. How will you achieve the desired result?

Mind Teasers : Math Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

1 pound = 100 penny
= 10 penny x 10 penny
= 1/10 pound x 1/10 pound
= 1/100 pound
= 1 penny

=> 1 pound = 1 penny

Solve this math trick question ?

Mind Teasers : Tricky Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are two arch enemy Dhuryodhan and Bheem.
One day two are going together and a god appeared in from of them.
The God grant three wishes to Bheem and one to Dhuryodhan.

Dhuryodhan replied smartly 'Give me twice of whatever Bheem ask for'.

For 1st wish Bheem asked the god 'Give me a room full of money'. Soon Dhuryodhan gets two room full of money.
For 2nd wish Bheem asked the god 'give me 100 slaves'. Soon Dhuryodhan gets 200 slaves.

Whats should be Bheem third wish ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Smart Birbal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Akbar called Birbal and asked him to draw a line on the floor. He asked Birbal to make that line smaller without erasing it. Birbal smiled and did it before Akbar could blink his eyes.

How did he managed to do it?

Mind Teasers : Whats The Temperature Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Below rebus represents the current Temperature.


What is the current Temperature ?
category : REBUS

Mind Teasers : Infosys Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Imagine a picture in your mind. There is a rose plant. A few roses have grown up in the plant. There are a few bees hovering over them.

Now read the given statements carefully:
1) If every one of the bees lands on a rose, one of them won't get a rose.
2) If two bees share rise together, then there will be one rose left without any bee.

Can you find out the number of roses on the plant and the number of bees?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Logic Math Problem

Difficulty Popularity

David and Albert are playing a game. There are digits from 1 to 9. The catch is that each one of them has to cut one digit and add it to his respective sum. The one who is able to obtain a sum of exact 15 will win the game?

You are a friend of David. Do you suggest him to play first or second?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Terrorist Plane Hijack Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist hijacks a plane with 10 passengers and there is a lot of gold in the plane.
After taking all the gold, the terrorist asked the government officials for 11 parachutes.
He killed all the passenger so that no one can identify him , take one parachute and jumps off.

Was he stupid to ask for 11 parachutes if he need only one ?

Mind Teasers : Fun With Maths - Pool Table Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you make the below equation true by placing three correct balls in the picture below?

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