Mind Teasers : Alphabetical Mathematical Riddle

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Find the smallest +ve mathematical number which is spelled in an alphabetical order ?


Mind Teasers : IAS Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I need to divide numbers from 1 to 9 into two group such that sum of numbers in one group is equal to the sum of other group.
Note : 6 cannot be flipped over to make it 9.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Wild West Cowboy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In the Wild West, you challenge two cowboys - Hunter Jack and Sharp Shooter Leo into a death match. They being better shooter than you readily accept your challenge. But they don't want to waste bullets and thus lay down a certain rules that are accepted by you as well. Here are the rules:

1) Everyone shoot in a given order till only one is left.
2) Everyone shoot only once when his turn arrive.
3) If any one of you is injured, the other two will finish him off together.
4) The worst shooter gets to shoot first (which is you) and the best one shoots at the last.

Now, what tactics will you use if you know that you hit every third shot of yours, Jack hits every second shot and Leo hits every shot?

Mind Teasers : Logical Triplets Statement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You know three triplets: Eden Thorgan and Kylian.
Eden always tells the truth while Thorgan and Kylian always lie.
Kylian needs to return you 100$. You meet one of them on London streets and can ask him one three word question.

Which question, will you ask and why?

Mind Teasers : Best Ramanujan Birthday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Today is Ramanujan birthday.
A year Ago on his birthday, he had five candles and he lit all except the last one.
Today he is going to light all the candles.

How old is Ramanujan Today?

Note: He is not turning five today.

category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Relationship Puzzle - Know Your Alphabets

Difficulty Popularity

What is the relationship between these matchsticks figures below?

Hint: You must know your alphabets.

Mind Teasers : Colditz Pascal Prison Escape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two world's famous prisoners 'Colditz' and 'Pascal' are locked in a cell.
They plan to escape from the cell.
They noticed there is an open window at 40 feet above the ground level.
Both of them tried very hard but are never able to reach there.

Then both of them decided to plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for just 5 days, Colditz and Pascal comes out with the much more easier plan than tunneling and they escaped.

what was the plan ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

Mind Teasers : The Elf Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A wicked sorcerer felt enmity towards elf and thus he chooses four among the rest of the elf's and concealed them. The elves are concealed in the ground in a manner that apart from their head the rest of their body was underneath the ground. The elf's are unable to move their body and can only see in that direction that they are facing. All the elf's are concealed underground in such a way that they form a straight line and among those four elf's that are concealed underground one of the elf is detached form the other three elf's via wall. The entire elf's are in the same direction. The elf that is the furthest can only see the heads of its friends in front and a wall. The elf that is second last can only see one head of his friend and a wall. The second elf can only view the wall. The elf can see nothing.
The sorcerer understands the situation and tells the elf's that he has placed hats over their heads. Among the hats places two hat are blue and the other two are red. Among all the four elfs one of the elf has to guess that which colour hat is he wearing. If the elf answers correctly then he shall be set free or else he will have to dig beneath the ground till the very last.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Monty Hall Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The host of a game show, offers the guest a choice of three doors. Behind one is a expensive car, but behind the other two are goats.

After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car).

Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door.

You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize.

Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter ?

Mind Teasers : World War I History Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two companions Terry and Garry were talking about their families. Terry told some great stories about his courageous grandfather who fought for Britain in "World War I". Terry told that his grandfather is so brave that he was awarded a bravery honour medal with words "For our Courageous Soldiers In World War I" embedded into it.

Garry Knows that his friend is lying? How ?

Mind Teasers : Hard MatchStick Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You can see five identical squares made with blue matchsticks in the given figure. You have to make them six identical squares instead. To do that, you are only allowed to move three matchsticks. How will you achieve the desired result?

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