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#2381 - Popular Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Once there was a verbal fight between an engineer , a mathematician and a physicist.
A guy with school bag on his back approach them and ask them that the person who can draw the largest amount of area using the least amount of fence will be the winner.

All of them accept the challenge.

The engineer guy made the fence in a big circle and said it the best.

The physicist made a long line and said that the length was infinite. Then he said that fencing half of the Earth was the best.

The mathematician smiled and so something which made him clear winner.
What did he do?

#2382 - Quite Long Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As the school year was progressing, a teacher was distressed that more and more of her students were beginning to tease and make fun of one another. She decided to do something about it. When they returned to the classroom after Spring Break, they saw a mirror on the wall with a sign next to it.
When one of the students came to her crying about the names she had been called at recess, she sent the girl to the mirror with these directions: Read that sign quietly to yourself. Repeat it over and over, gradually running the sounds together. Each time, look at yourself in the mirror. Soon you will be smiling.
Sure enough, when the student followed these directions, she came away smiling.
Each time a student would come to the teacher feeling low, she would give them the same directions. Sometimes they would have difficulty, so she would go over to read the sign with them. Eventually, each one would come away smiling.
This is what the sign said: I.Y.Q.Y.Q.R.

Why did this little exercise help her students feel better about themselves
category : MYSTERY | RIDDLE

#2383 - Live Or Die Probability Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Hussey has been caught stealing goats, and is brought into court for justice.

The judge is his ex-wife Amy Hussey, who wants to show him some sympathy, but the law clearly calls for two shots to be taken at Hussey from close range.

To make things a little better for Hussey, Amy Hussey tells him she will place two bullets into a six-chambered revolver in successive order.

She will spin the chamber, close it, and take one shot.

If Hussey is still alive, she will then either take another shot, or spin the chamber again before shooting.

Hussey is a bit incredulous that his own ex-wife would carry out the punishment, and a bit sad that she was always such a rule follower.

He steels himself as Amy Hussey loads the chambers, spins the revolver, and pulls the trigger. Whew! It was blank. Then Amy Hussey asks, 'Do you want me to pull the trigger again, or should I spin the chamber a second time before pulling the trigger?'

What should Hussey choose?

#2384 - Missing Number in the Sequence

Difficulty Popularity

What are the missing numbers in this series ?

7, 14, 17, ? , 27, ? , 35, 37, 42 , 47
category : SERIES

#2385 - Math Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man wanted to get into his work building, but he had forgotten his code. However, he did remember five clues. These are what those clues were:

The fifth number plus the third number equals fourteen.

The fourth number is one more than the second number.

The first number is one less than twice the second number.

The second number plus the third number equals ten.

The sum of all five numbers is 30.

What were the five numbers and in what order?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#2386 - Popular Probability Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Kangwa, Rafael and Ferdinand plans for gun fighting.
They each get a gun and take turns shooting at each other until only one person is left.

History suggest
Kangwa hits his shot 1/3 of the time, gets to shoot first.
Rafael, hits his shot 2/3 of the time, gets to shoot next if still living.
Ferdinand having perfect record at shooting(100% accuracy) shoots last , if alive.

The cycle repeats. If you are Kangwa, where should you shoot first for the highest chance of survival?

#2387 - Age Riddle Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Abhishek's youth lasted one sixth of his life. He grew a beard after one twelfth more. After one seventh more of his life, he married. 5 years later, he and his wife had a son. The son lived exactly one half as long as his father, and Abhishek died four years after his son.

How many years did Abhishek live?
category : MATHS

#2388 - Next Numbers In The Series

Difficulty Popularity

What are the next three numbers in this series?

4, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42, 60, 72, 102, 108, ?, ?, ?
category : SERIES

#2389 - Prisoner Emperor Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You are a prisoner sentenced to death. The Emperor offers you a chance to live by playing a simple game. He gives you 50 black marbles, 50 white marbles and 2 empty bowls. He then says, 'Divide these 100 marbles into these 2 bowls. You can divide them any way you like as long as you use all the marbles. Then I will blindfold you and mix the bowls around. You then can choose one bowl and remove ONE marble. If the marble is WHITE you will live, but if the marble is BLACK... you will die.'

How do you divide the marbles up so that you have the greatest probability of choosing a WHITE marble?

#2390 - Which King Am I Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What king can you make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon ?

#2391 - Velma Trick Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Velma was trapped in a room and has three exits
On 1st door : door guarded by a deadly lion.
On 2nd door : door constructed from magnifying glass and sun instantly fries anything or anyone nearby.
On 3rd door : snakes all around.

#2392 - Cake Grandma bridge Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Rohit is on his way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the state.It's her birthday, and he want to give her the cakes that he has made.Between his place and her grandma house, he need to cross 7 toll bridges.
Before you can cross the toll bridge, you need to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.

How many cakes do rohit have to carry with him so he can reach his grandma home with exactly 2 cakes?

#2393 - Terrorist Plane Hijack Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist hijacks a plane with 10 passengers and there is a lot of gold in the plane.
After taking all the gold, the terrorist asked the government officials for 11 parachutes.
He killed all the passenger so that no one can identify him , take one parachute and jumps off.

Was he stupid to ask for 11 parachutes if he need only one ?

#2394 - Akbar Birbal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Emperor Akbar once ruled over India. He was a wise and intelligent ruler, and he had in his court the Nine Gems, his nine advisors, who were each known for a particular skill. One of these Gems was Birbal, known for his wit and wisdom. The story below is one of the examples of his wit. Do you have it in you to find out the answer?

A farmer and his neighbour once went to Emperor Akbar's court with a complaint.
'Your Majesty, I bought a well from him,' said the farmer pointing to his neighbour, 'and now he wants me to pay for the water.'
'That's right, your Majesty,' said the neighbour. 'I sold him the well but not the water!'
?The Emperor asked Birbal to settle the dispute.

How did Birbal solve the dispute?

#2395 - Hercule Poirot Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Detective Hercule Poirot was in his house watching the football world cup match.

Suddenly a football came crashing through his window, breaking it. He got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were Mark Benson , Steve Benson , Starc Benson.The next day Hercule got a note on his door that read '? Benson' broke your window' .

Which of the three Crimson Benson should Hercule Poirot question about the incident ?

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