Are you tired of receiving all sort of mathematics puzzles whenever you search for puzzles and riddles? If so, this section of Logic Puzzles and Riddles has been framed by us just for the people like you. You can feast your brains with the following which requires you to simply use your mind in the logical way. Go cerebral with the collection of Logic Puzzles and Riddles that has been brought to you by GPuzzles.Com.

#611 - Guard Door Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are in a strange place which is guarded by two guards.One of the guard always say truth while other always lies.You don't know the identity of the two.You can ask only one question to go out from there.
What should you ask?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#612 - Intelligent Women Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A woman depended on a public telephone to make her calls, but it was usually out of order.
Each day she reported this to the phone company, but nothing was done.

Finally she came up with a fib that she told the phone company.

The phone was fixed the next day.

What did she tell them?

#613 - Logical Bank Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A bank customer had Rs.100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals, totaling Rs.. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:

Withdrawals Balance left
Rs.50 Rs.50
Rs.25 Rs.25
Rs.10 Rs.15
Rs.8 Rs.7
Rs.5 Rs.2
Rs.2 Rs.0
Rs.100 Rs.99

Why are the Totals not exactly right ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#614 - Math Or Science Problem

Difficulty Popularity

When deepak was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height.
Five years later at age eleven , deepak returned to see how much higher the nail was.
If the tree grew by ten inches each year, how much higher would the nail be?

#615 - Logical Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Hazard have 100 pairs of pink socks, 88 pairs of red socks and 77 pairs of orange socks. Everything is mixed in a draw.
As there is no light he were not able to identify the color of the socks.

How many of the socks did he want to take to match one pair
category : LOGIC

#616 - Logic Think Of Past Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A Child was born on Lahore, Pakistan.

Still child is not a pakistani citizen.why ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

#617 - CID Murder Mystery Problem

Difficulty Popularity

An old man ankit lives alone in a flat. Because of his age , he is not able to move comfortably and hence most of the things used to be delivered to his house.

On Friday while delivering the mail , postman feels something suspicious in the flat and try to look inside through the key hole and he saw a blood filled body of the old man.

CID arrived the scene.
On the outside of flat , he found two bottles of warm milk , Tuesday newspaper, some unopened mails , some gifts.

CID waste no time to find the murderer.

Who was the murderer ?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#618 - Count Teacher Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A Teacher has written all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on the black board.

How many times she had written the number 3 ?
category : LOGIC

#619 - Logical Age Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ali Larter is older than Kristen Stewart and younger than Penelope Cruz. Jennifer Lawrence is younger than Keira Knightley and Penelope Cruz. Keira Knightley is older than Penelope Cruz. If Ali Larter and Jennifer Lawrence are the same age,

who's youngest ?
category : LOGIC

#620 - Mug Of Coke Maths Probelm

Difficulty Popularity

There is a Mug with no cover and some coke in it.

Ribery said 'This Mug of coke is more than half full,
Lahm Replied 'No it's not,It's less than half full.'.

Without any measuring implements and without removing any coke from the Mug, how can they easily determine who is correct?
category : LOGIC | TRIVIA

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