Have you mastered the art of solving puzzles and brain teasers already? Well, we have the following section of Hard Puzzles and Riddles especially for you. See for yourself how good you are at solving the hardest of them. If you can solve the following Hard Puzzles and Riddles, consider yourself to be a master at it.

#471 - Switch Chances Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You are sitting in front of your interviewer. He gives you three envelopes. One of them contains an offer letter and the other two are empty. You pick up one of them. Now, the interviewer opens up one of the envelope lying on the table and you find out that it is blank.

Now, he gives you a chance to switch your envelope with the one on the table. Would you switch it? Why or why not?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#472 - Popular Third What Word Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The common thing between three particular identical words in English language is that they end with 'g', 'r' and 'y'. Two of those words are hungry and angry.

The third word is something we make use of every day.

Do you know what that word is?
category : WHAT AM I

#473 - Snowflake Triangles Count Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the number of triangles in the snowflake picture ?

#474 - Day Of Month Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rohit was born on March 5, 1970. Mayank took birth 25 days before Rohit. On the year of their birth, the Republic Day was on Monday.

Can you calculate on what day was Mayank born?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#475 - Decipher Text Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Decipher The Below Text

S , D
category : REBUS | CIPHER

#476 - Hardest Decode Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you deocde below rebus ?

category : REBUS | CIPHER

#477 - Interesting Misplaced Pens Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rihanna brought home 150 pens but while packing them, she misplaced some of them. When her brother asked how many she had misplaced, she told him:
If you count in pairs, one will remain
If you count in a group of three, two will remain
If you count in a group of four, three will remain
If you count in a group of five, four will remain
If you count in a group of six, five will remain
If you count in a group of seven, nothing will remain.

How many pens do you think has she misplaced ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#478 - Largest Six Digit Number Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find a six digit number under 5 lakh such that the sum of it's digits is 43 ?
category : MATHS

#479 - Tough Find Picture Number Problem

Difficulty Popularity

One number is missing from the grid in the picture. Can you find that number?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#480 - Draw Direction Problem

Difficulty Popularity

B is to the North-East of D; A is to the North-East of C; C is to the West of D; E is to the South-West of D and to the South of C; and A is to the north of D and in line with B.

Can you find out in which direction of E is B located?
category : LOGIC

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