We all have those times when we are not able to solve most of the puzzles or riddles we find anywhere. But there is no reason to lose your heart. Instead focus on the section below that comprises of Easy Puzzles and Riddles by GPuzzles.Com For everything in life, there is a beginning point. The following will serve as the beginning point of solving complex riddles and puzzles. Begin your journey by solving these Easy Puzzles and Riddles and gradually master the art of solving the puzzles.

#151 - Easy Movie Name Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which movie is below rebus riddle means ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#152 - WhatsApp Animal Riddles

Difficulty Popularity

You might have read so many puzzles on Whatsapp that are created using the smileys or emojis. The picture that is attached with this puzzle shows you a similar puzzle. All you have to do is analyze the emojis and the connection to identify what animals they represent. If you can find all the ten animals names, then you are awesome.

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#153 - Kids Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

You are visiting your cousin. You open his room and find out that he is not in the room. However, you find four cats, three pigs, two puppies and one giraffe on the bed. You find that two chickens and three parrots are flying in the room.

Can you find out the number of legs standing on the floor ?
category : RIDDLE

#154 - Really Easy Kids Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

While going to a grocery store with your mom, you counted exactly fourteen houses on your right side. While returning back to home, you counted fourteen houses on your left side.

How many houses are there between your house and the grocery store?

#155 - Simple Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A family is having a reunion on the Christmas Eve. For the toast which shall follow with the dinner, they gather around the dining table. There is a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one daughter in law and one mother in law who shall sit for the toast.

Each one of them requires a separate chair. How many chairs are required?
category : LOGIC

#156 - Easy Mathematical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A grandpa called all his grandsons and decided to give them a total of $100 to spend in their vacations. He decided that the elder ones must receive more. So he planned to give a sum to the youngest one and then increase $2 with every elder one.

Can you calculate how much he gave to the youngest one if he gave all and only $100 to them in total?
category : MATHS

#157 - Math Symbols Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Given with the numbers - 2, 3, 4 and 5, you have to make an equation that is mathematically correct. The challenge is that you can only use two signs i.e. + and =. Also, you can't repeat a number or sign.

How will you do it?

#158 - Murder Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A man killed his wife for he was not sure of her fidelity. He stabbed her on heart with a knife. To cover up his crime, he pushed her body in his car. He drove a few miles and then threw her body in an alley. He carefully wiped his finger prints and threw the knife on the crime scene.

Then, he drove back to his home. After an hour, he received a call from the local sheriff. The sheriff told him that his wife was murdered and that he must reach at the crime scene. But when he reached the crime scene, he was arrested by him.

How did the sheriff know that he was the culprit?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#159 - Stupid Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Is there any way of making 7 an even?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#160 - Stupid Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out who was buried in Trojan's tomb?

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