We all have those times when we are not able to solve most of the puzzles or riddles we find anywhere. But there is no reason to lose your heart. Instead focus on the section below that comprises of Easy Puzzles and Riddles by GPuzzles.Com For everything in life, there is a beginning point. The following will serve as the beginning point of solving complex riddles and puzzles. Begin your journey by solving these Easy Puzzles and Riddles and gradually master the art of solving the puzzles.

#121 - Union Intersection Math Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a college, 70 percent of students study math, 75 percent of students study English, 85 percent study French and 80 percent study German.

Can you find out the percentage of students who study all 4 subjects ?
category : MATHS

#122 - Family Relation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man is sitting alone on a bench in the park you go for your regular morning walks. In his hand, there is a picture at which he is looking constantly without blinking his eyes. You go to that man to find out.

You ask him, 'Who is the bright person in that picture?'

To your question he replies, 'Sisters and brothers I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son' and then turns back to look at the picture.

Can you tell the person in the picture?

#123 - Easy Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a house gathering party, three friends named Mr. Orange, Mr. Grey and Mr. Pink are invited for dinner. All three of them decides to wear a shirt. In the party they notice that they are wearing either a Orange, a Grey or a Pink shirt.

Mr. Grey speaks first, 'Hey have you noticed yet that all of us are wearing different color shirts from our names?'

The person wearing the Pink shirt responds to this statement, 'Hey, thats right Mr. Grey.'

Analyzing these statements and the question, can you identify who is wearing which color shirt?
category : LOGIC

#124 - Easy Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

what does below rebus means ?

category : REBUS

#125 - Quick Brain Teaser For Kids

Difficulty Popularity

On a weekend, two father and their sons planned for fishing in the lake near to their house. Till the lunch time, each man and son was able to catch one fish. They happily carried their basket to their home for cooking. But when they opened their basket, there were only three fishes.

How can this be possible seeking the fact that none of the fish were eaten, lost or thrown back?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#126 - Funniest Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a pond, there were forty elephants. Those elephants had forty-fore heads. How can this be feasible in real world?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#127 - Brain Bat Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out what is represented through this Brain Bat?

category : REBUS

#128 - IAS Murder Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends are standing in a large hall that is vacant except them both. They are facing each other. First friend predicts the future of the second one and says that in five minutes, the second will be stabbed by someone in the back. The clock is hanging on the wall in front of the second one.

He is shocked to hear this and impatiently sees the clock ticking away. After five minutes, he is stabbed on his back. Who stabbed him and how did it happen?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#129 - Easy What am i Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

How can I can guide people all over the world despite of the fact that I can only point in one direction?
category : RIDDLE

#130 - Easy Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Peter is close with three friends at his school: Joshua, Augustus and Stacy. Two of them play football, two play badminton and two play volley ball. The friend who does not play volley ball does not play badminton as well. The friend who does not play football, does not play volley ball.

Cam you find out who plays which sports ?
category : MATHS

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