#1 - Captain Jack Sparrow Ship Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of this famous ship.
The captain of this famous ship is Captain Jack Sparrow.
The Captain Jack Sparrow is best pirate captain known.
What is the name of the Captain Jack Sparrow ship.

Confused ???

So what is the name of the ship?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#2 - Japanese Ship Sailing Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A Japanese ship is on route back to the shore from the Atlantic Ocean. Seeking the silent waves, the captain decides to take a shower. He keeps his Rolex and diamond studded gold bracelet on the shelf and goes for a shower. When he returns back, he finds both the watch and bracelet missing. He immediately calls the four crew members and asks them what they were doing during that duration. Following are the answers:

1. French Guy, the Cook: I was in the kitchen, making bacon sandwiches for everybody.
2. Russian Guy, the engineer: I was in the generator room, checking the generator.
3. Pakistani Guy, the housekeeper: I saw that the flag hoisted on the ship was upside down, so I went to correct it.
4. Srilankan Guy, the second housekeeper: I was tired and taking a quick nap.

The captain immediately knew who the thief was. Can you tell?

category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#3 - Ship Captain's Eye Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are the captain of a ship. While your ship is sailing, you are struck by a storm and it becomes difficult for you to handle your ship. After an hour of struggle, 15 passengers are swept away by the waves. 15 minutes further into the storm, 10 more people are swept away by the waves. You send the lifeboats down and 4 of them are able to climb the rescue boats. The next wave hits the ship hard and 12 passengers fall off the ship.

Now, can you tell the color of eyes of the ship captain?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#4 - Sailor Logic Trick Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two sailors sailing in a ship were standing on the opposite sides of the ship. One was looking at the east and the other was looking at the west. But still, they could clearly see each other.

How can that be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#5 - Short Thinking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes. What caused the ship to sink?
category : RIDDLE

#6 - Can You Solve This Tricky Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A ship is named as after the legendary ship Titanic. The ship hits strong tides at 8 pm. A rope ladder is hanging on one side of the ship. It has the rungs 321 mm apart. The tide is rising one meter every 3 hours. Can you calculate how many rungs will go underwater till 8 am?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#7 - Short Story Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A Japanese ship was making its way through the Arabian Sea. The captain felt like taking a bath and thus went to the bathroom after removing his Rolex watch and gold bracelet. When he returned back from the bathroom, he found out that his valuables were missing.

He suspected five of his crew members. He called them in and asked all of them what they were doing for the last 15 minutes. They replied as follows:parachute
The French cook (with a butcher knife): I was in fridge room getting meat for cooking.
The German Engineer (with some tools in hand): I was working on the generator engine.
The Bangladeshi seaman (empty handed): I was on the mast correcting the flag which was upside down by mistake.
The American Radio officer (with his headphones in hand): I was messaging to company that we will reach the port in the next two days that is Friday morning at 1100 hrs.
The Indian navigation officer (empty handed): I was taking a nap before my night watch began.

Upon hearing all of them, the captain found out who was the thief. How did he know that? Who is the thief?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#8 - The Treasure And The Five Pirates Brain Twister

Difficulty Popularity

A treasure of 1000 gold coins is captured by a pirate ship. There are five pirates in the ship according to their order of rank and the treasure must be divided amongst them. There are few characters in the pirates. They are Bloodthirsty, infinitely smart, greedy. The five pirates should make a proposal and if the majority of the pirates do not agree with the proposal, the pirate is pushed out of the ship. The proposal starts from the fifth pirate.

Question: what proposal will the 5th pirate make?
category : LOGIC

#9 - Pirate Coins Ship Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Seven pirates attacked the British ship and loot some rare gems from them. They decided to rest for some time and then divide the gems later. While everyone was resting two of the pirates wake up and planned to divide gems equally between the two, one gem is left. So they decide to wake the third pirate and decide to divide among three, but alas again one gem was left. They then decide to wake the fourth pirate to divide the gems and again one gem was left. The same happened again in the fifth and sixth. Finally, they woke up the 7th pirate and this time the gems were divided equally.

How many gems did they steal in total?

category : LOGIC

#10 - Hard Birthday Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Is it possible that a younger twin brother celebrated his birthday two days before his elder brother?
category : RIDDLE

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