The social platforms specifically Facebook has given prominence to Riddles with Picture. Not that they were not being used earlier but they have gained a sudden popularity due to the social platforms. Riddles with Picture as the name suggests offer you a picture in which the question is situated and you have to find the solution through the picture. Following are tons of Riddles with Picture brought to you by GPuzzles.Com.

#451 - Circles Counting Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you identify the number of circles present in the picture?

category : PICTURE

#452 - Logic Matchsticks Problem

Difficulty Popularity

By moving 4 match sticks, can you create 9 squares instead of 7.

#453 - Find Number In Sequence Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The following figures have a relation.

Find that out to uncover the missing number ?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#454 - How Many Triangles Are There In This Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you calculate the number of triangles in the given picture?

#455 - Really Hard Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the meaning of rebus puzzle means ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#456 - Where Am I Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Determine where i am by solving the below picture rebus.

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#457 - Easy Math Weight Picture Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out the combined weight of the cat, the dog and the rabbit in the given picture ?

category : MATHS | PICTURE

#458 - Picture Grid 4 Words Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you complete the given grid using the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT?

Hint: The grid reads the same down as across.

#459 - How Many Squares Are In This Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you calculate the number of squares that are there in the given picture ?

#460 - Hard Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Look carefully at the image and find out how many rectangles in the figure are square.

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