Gpuzzles brings you the riddles which are associated with Monkey. Lets see how many of them can you solve?

#1 - Smartest Primate Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You entered a room with three primitives
A monkey
A Chimpanzee
An Ape

Which is the smartest primate in the room which can solve a numeric problem?

category : TRICK

#2 - Like Chimpanzee Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What looks like Chimpanzee but is not a Chimpanzee?

category : HUMOUR

#3 - Monkey Cat Bet Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A Monkey and a Cat were having an argument about whom being the smartest of them. The cat challenges monkey that she can sit at a place where Monkey cannot. Monkey accepts the bet and lost.
What was the place where the cat can sit but Monkey cannot?

category : TRICK

#4 - Race Langoor Monkey And Eagle

Difficulty Popularity

An Indian Langoor, an African Monkey, and an Eagle are racing to the to The top of the mango tree. Assuming all these animals are in perfect shape, Which animal will reach to Banana first ?
category : TRICK

#5 - Tricky Mathematics Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If five chimpanzee can eat five mangoes in five minutes.

How many minutes would it take for four chimpanzee to eat four mangoes ?
category : MATHS | RIDDLE

#6 - Best Rotating Wheel Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

One or Two ?

Note: The gears in contact will be going to rotate in the opposite direction.

category : SCIENCE | PICTURE

#7 - WhatsApp Animal Riddles

Difficulty Popularity

You might have read so many puzzles on Whatsapp that are created using the smileys or emojis. The picture that is attached with this puzzle shows you a similar puzzle. All you have to do is analyze the emojis and the connection to identify what animals they represent. If you can find all the ten animals names, then you are awesome.

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#8 - Smartest Mind Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rachel goes into a room where there are 3 primates – Chimpanzee A, Chimpanzee B and Chimpanzee C in their respective cages.

Chimpanzee A is trying to walk like a human. Chimpanzee B is trying to hold a pen against the paper. Chimpanzee C is trying to build blocks.

Who is the smartest primate in the room ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

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