If you are new to the riddles world, then you need to start up with these Easy Riddles by GPuzzles.Com. They won't give you a tough time but will help you improve your skills gradually. When you are done with these Easy Riddles, you will definitely feel more confident in solving other difficulty level of riddles.

#31 - Logical Math Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I have a huge bed-sheet of 1 meter long.
I want to cuts this role into pieces of 20 centimeter long cloth.

How long will it take me to cut the bed sheet if each 20 centimeter cut took me 5 minutes ?

#32 - Old Mind Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ankit is the son of Amit.
Amit is the_____of Ankit's father ?

#33 - Fun Joke Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a five letter word which becomes shorter when you add two letters to it ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#34 - Trick Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

According to famous saying "Two's company, and three's a crowd "

then whats four and five ?

#35 - Tricky Math Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times?

#36 - Stupid Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The Little ant seems to be always confused.
Do you know why ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#37 - Answer This Riddle Instantly

Difficulty Popularity

If you multiply all the numbers on your mobile phone , what is the answer?

#38 - Funny Riddle Joke

Difficulty Popularity

What part of the Turkey has the most feathers ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#39 - Mind Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#40 - Grandma Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

An electric train is traveling from Manchester to Liverpool (in south-west direction) at 200km/hr.
The wind is blowing south east at 125km/hr.

In which direction does the smoke blow ?

category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

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