The following collection of Brilliant Riddles by GPuzzles.Com will leave you awestruck. Don't worry about the difficulty level as you will find all kind of difficulty levels throughout the following Brilliant Riddles. These awesome riddles will keep you occupied in a healthy task and will definitely offer as a great time killer.

#1 - Find The Correct Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Only one statement out of below three is true.
One statement here is false.
Two statements here are false.
Three statements here are false.

Which statment is true ?
category : STATEMENTS

#2 - FAQ Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

An American nightclub called 'The Coconut Grove' had a terrible fire in which over 400 people died. A simple design flaw in the building led to the death toll being so high. Subsequently, regulations were changed to ensure that all public buildings throughout the country eliminated this one detail which proved so deadly. What was it?
category : TRIVIA

#3 - Popular Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Once there was a verbal fight between an engineer , a mathematician and a physicist.
A guy with school bag on his back approach them and ask them that the person who can draw the largest amount of area using the least amount of fence will be the winner.

All of them accept the challenge.

The engineer guy made the fence in a big circle and said it the best.

The physicist made a long line and said that the length was infinite. Then he said that fencing half of the Earth was the best.

The mathematician smiled and so something which made him clear winner.
What did he do?

#4 - Geography Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Eskimos are very good hunters, but they never hunt penguins.

Why not ?
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#5 - One Line Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What is the largest number you can write by using only 3 digits ?

#6 - Maths Symbol Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Using only two 2's and any combination of maths signs, symbols and functions can you make 5?
category : MATHS | RIDDLE

#7 - IES Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day ?

category : TRIVIA

#8 - Short Thinking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes. What caused the ship to sink?
category : RIDDLE

#9 - Special Words Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What is the special characteristic of the following words:
coughing, thirsty, defiant
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#10 - Wham Am I Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air.

What am I?
category : RIDDLE

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