Some illusions might not be as simple as they appear. In plain and simple words, we describe them as tricky illusions. Now, you might not be able to understand the term properly but if you want too, you can just scroll down to see a couple of these illusions and then you will become familiar with the term. Remember that these are not all as we keep updating them sooner than you can think of.

Tricky Optical Illusions #11 - Famous Sander

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the blue lines is longer than the other?

Tricky Optical Illusions #12 - Swimming Pool

Difficulty Popularity

Tricky Optical Illusions #13 - Wolverine or Two Bat Men

Difficulty Popularity

Now this is something amusing. We all know who wolverine is and who batman is. This is truly a picture of the x-men star Wolverine with the old comic style costume. But wait. Try to forget the yellow portion. Do you see two batmen facing each other in the picture? You did not see that coming did you? Well, this is amazing because no one would have thought of it like that till they actually saw this illusion.

category : TRICKY

Tricky Optical Illusions #14 - Dog Man

Difficulty Popularity

Now this is something really amusing. It really feels like there is a dog human or dogman sitting on the seat. Were you able to find the truth behind this illusion? Actually there is a person sitting on the seat and next to him, there is a dog. The person's head is not visible because he is probably dozing off with his head lying out of the range of camera. This is the reason that you are seeing a dogman instead of two different living beings in the picture. The illusion is amazing though.

Tricky Optical Illusions #15 - Tilted Road

Difficulty Popularity

We remember posting a similar illusion on our website a last month. We are back with another one. This one surely looks more believable and covers a few weak points which were present in the last. For starters, they are just lying down on the pavement. See the shadow of the front man's hand. This can't be possible right? They are actually taking the support of the surface to keep their body above the surface. The camera has been tilted and thus the whole scenario seems titled. Anyhow, it is a job well done. Now this is one of those creative illusions that you can definitely try.

Tricky Optical Illusions #16 - Headless Girl in Restaurant

Difficulty Popularity

Well this is a sheer sign of creativity. You can clearly see a girl sitting along with another girl who has a head missing. The first thought will obviously be that the photo has been edited. But let us tell you that it is not the trick here. Can you find some salt and pepper boxes in the picture. Why are they double? It is because there is a mirror in between for the partition. This is the reason why you are seeing a headless girl. It is actually a mirror reflection. You are seeing only till the mirror is there. Isn't it awesome? Well you can try the same when you are sitting in a similar fashioned restaurant next time.

category : TRICKY

Tricky Optical Illusions #17 - Imaginary Tunnel

Difficulty Popularity

Today, we have brought you an illusion that will take y our breath away. This illusion can explain the true nature of physiological illusions accurately. If you look at the image below (which might appear to be a bit trippy), you will find that a tunnel or a hall with pillars has been formed using black and white colored stripes. But what if we tell you that they are just plain 2d colors which have been used in a particular pattern or manner that it gives you an illusion that you are looking at a tunnel or hall. This is exactly how two plain colors can play with our mind by simulating information that is not correct at all.

Tricky Optical Illusions #18 - Leaning Tower of Pisa

Difficulty Popularity

You all must be familiar with the Leaning Tower of Pisa right. Today, we bring you an illusion based on the same. Two pictures of the tower have been placed side by side. Now you have to decide which one is leaning towards the right more. If you said that it is the right one, then you are in for a surprise. This is because if you try to measure the tilt, you will find that both of them are equally leaned. But still, the right one appears to be more tilted. This is because of a slightly different camera angle in the second image that makes it appear like it is more tilted.

category : TRICKY

Tricky Optical Illusions #19 - White Arrows

Difficulty Popularity

In this illusion, you will know how our mind process the missing information and conclude the results. Can you find white arrows in the picture? We are sure you can. But are they really there? Concentrate on the black portion now. That is the actual figure that has been drawn here. However, the blank space is giving you and illusion that the white arrows are there even though they are not present. Probably if the missing pattern was not creating a familiar shape, you would not have felt the same effect.

category : TRICKY

Tricky Optical Illusions #20 - Length of Lines

Difficulty Popularity

Here, you can see three different lines in the picture. What makes these three lines different from each other is the arrows at the end. But does the length of line differs as well? Of course it looks like it differs. So let us tell you what to do. Take a ruler and literally measure these lines on your screen. You will be surprised to find out that the lines are of exact same size. So why does they appear of different sizes? This is due to the arrow signs at the end. These signs make it appear like the lengths are different.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

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