Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.


Optical Illusion : Famous Revolving Spiral

This is really not for everyone. If you feel any kind of trouble watching the image, close it immediately. But for those who can stand it, you can see a revolving spiral along with which the whole image is moving.

Optical Illusion : Popular Spiral

How many turns can you count in the spiral?

Optical Illusion : Stunning Ocean 3D Street Art

Hats off to the artist who has created this unbelievably real illusion of an ocean on the street. You might have seen a lot of 3D street arts and you can't deny that you will keep it in the list of the best ones. The unique thing is the amount of details that the artist has chosen to put into this illusion. There are coral reefs, fishes, whales, turtle, a scuba diving girl, a duck and so much more. Just look at the people sitting and marveling at the art. Wait! Is the little girl real or an illusion too?

Optical Illusion : Waterfall Crafting Mother Nature

This is an amazing picture. The waterfall has crafted Mother Nature into the rocks. It feels like she is diving inside the sea along with the falling water. The entire face and hands joined above the head are visible clearly. Some of you might say that the image has been tweaked to define the shape. It can be possible as the source is unknown to us. But the illusion is impressive and can be purely a nature's art as well.

Optical Illusion : Skull Mountain

Though the resolution of this image is pretty small, you can still find out the reason we have posted this in our illusion list. In the mountains far ahead, you can clearly see a shape that can be referred to as a skull. The hollow eyes are even creepy adding a whole new impression to the illusion. The third hole below the one we referred as eyes can be taken as the nose. This is absolutely impressive as from a distance this far, it do appears like a skull crafted on the mountains.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Wiping Man's Nose

Now this is one of the hilarious ones. Excellent timing we must say. It appears like the man who is wiping the poster clean is actually wiping his nose or scratching it. The expressions of the man in the picture makes it look so much realistic. It appears as if he is being irritate by the man who is wiping as he is picking on his nose. Of course, he is just cleaning the poster and he does not even know that he is being clicked at this particular moment. But we are sure he will have a good laugh after someone shows him this picture.

Optical Illusion : Creepy Owl Carving

One can consider this craving as 2.5 dimensional as it does not have much depth to it. But the carving is extremely detailed. The tree branches, the owl's body and detailing over the face has been done with much detail. Frankly, it does not even look like a carving. It looks as if someone has sketched into a piece of paper; it is that much detailed. Must have taken a lot of time we guess. Anyhow, we loved this carved illusion. Do you?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : The Happy Family

Everything you see in the picture is a part of the painting. The father is sitting in muse with an exceptionally large map in his hand. Now the happy children are running inside this room and one two of them have jumped onto the map. A girl is about to. The large map actually metaphorically explains a large world of fantasy for the kids. It appears they are heading into their fantasy world. The open armed gesture on the nearest kid further strengthens the thought. The illusion has several layers of metaphorical explanations. See if you can get anything else out of it.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Sitting on Commode

Now, this is one interesting shadow illusion. On the wall, you can see a person sitting on the commode and lost in his own thoughts. But the reality is completely different when you look at what is making the shadow. There are three people and a rectangle box. Together, they are taking a position that makes the shadow on the wall. Looking at their faces, you can guess how much they are enjoying their little activity. This is kind of a thing that you can try as well. See if you can come up with something as interesting as this.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Spiraling Down Trippy Pattern

You might have seen many of such spirals all over the internet. This is the one for the beginners. If we throw in some contrasting colors, it will definitely become quite trippy but with just black and white pattern, this is quite mild and best for people who complain of headaches after watching trippy illusions. This is where you can begin. You feel that the pattern is spiraling down. If you don't feel it moving, try some other illusions.

category : TRIPPY

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